Chapter 18

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There comes a time in life, when you walk away from all the drama and people who create it. Suround yourself with people who make you laugh forget the bad, and focus on the good. Love the people who treat you right. Pray for the ones who don't. Life is to short to be anything but happy. Falling down is part of life, getting up is living.


"I'm gonna keep the baby" I exclaimed to Jeremiah he smiled and pulled me to him "I got yo back baby" he kissed my lips and smiled "I'm happy with my decision I couldn't live with my self if I killed the baby or if I gave it away I knew I would always wonder what happened to him or her" he nodded "We could've did an open adoption" "Nah then I would have to explain why I gave the baby up when they get older...keeping it is better" he pulled me on to his lap holding me by my waist "Well I'm glad you giving me another child" he said putting his chin on my shoulder I nodded "Me too too" and before I forgot it hit me "Oh I met Veronica husband earlier" I said almost too excited "Really what was he like" "He was cool but he looked familiar" I said looking at the wall thinking of where I could have seen him "Umm where you think you know him from" "I dont" I mumbled he shrugged the rolled on the bed with me still attached to him putting all his weight on me. "Get off her you heavy" I whined trying to move him but to no avail "Say please" I sighed "Nooo move" "Say please" "Ok ok please get up" I gave in he smiled pushing his self up with his arms but still hovering over me "Your beautiful you know that" he said looking in my eyes I smiled "Yes I do and thank you" he smiled and kissed me "Now go feed my baby for I whoop you" he said moving I laughed and went to make me a quick meal a steak and some potatoes. Soon as I sat down with my plate Mariya came "Is that steak" I nodded she went in the kitchen and came back with a fork taking a piece I cut and ate it "Well of course princess help yourself" I said sarcastically she laughed "My bad mama but it looked good" I ummhmmed her and kept eating and she just sat there smiling at me I put my fork down "Ok what is it" she took a deep breath "Ok so I went on Google and googled some dance studios in our area and it says that it's one two blocks away called star studio and I was wondering if I could sign up pleeeeease" I sighed "I don't know Riya" "Please mama we in a good neighborhood nobody knows us I just really wanna dance" she pleaded "Ok let me check it out first" she jumped and came kissing me "Thank you thank you I promise you won't regret it" "That mean you gotta keep them grades up" she smiled "I will I promise" I smiled as she walked away and I continued eating.

Stepping out the shower and into the room with my towel around me I spotted Jer on the bed in nothing but shorts "Hey did you call Charlie yet" I asked stepping out my towel and into my t-shirt and underwear "Damn" he mumbled "Um yea I did" he said eyes still fixed on my barely covered ass biting his lip I smirked walking seductively to the bed "See something you like" I asked biting the corner of my lip he nodded "Hell yea" straddling his lap I stared in his eyes as he gripped my ass "Too bad" I said hopping off he smacked his lips "Yo big head ass play to much" I laughed "So" he hovered over me "Keep playing with me Lea" he said kissing my spot on my neck this nigga knows my weakness "Ok I'm sorry" "Un un you know what I wanna hear" he said making his way lower "Daddy I'm sorry" I damn near moaned out he stopped and I almost cried "I guess he noticed my face "Its ok baby don't worry I got you when you ready" smiled because I knew he only considering my feelings I nodded kissing him "Goodnight baby" he smiled "Night ma I love you" I blushed as he pulled me too his chest I said an I love you too and went to sleep.


Earlier when mom went to uncle Josh house me and the twins decided to check out our massive back yard. I like the area so far even though it's much cooler than what I'm use to it was nice. Lately I've been dancing more to keep my mind at ease it even helps with sleeping all night without nightmares so while my brothers ran around and played I put my headphones in and put on J. Cole "Nobody's Perfect" and began to dance (In MM). I stopped when I felt eyes on me turning to look around I saw a girl around my age maybe older with another girl removing my headphones I spoke "Hi" I said smiling the both smiled "Hi I'm Demi and this is my best friend Nicole" "I'm old are yall" Nicole answered first "I'm 13" "And I'm 12" I nodded "Cool I'm 11" they smiled "So where did you learn t dance like that" Nicole asked "Back where I'm from I was in a dance class" I gave a short answer "Cool well you were great" she said I smiled "Thanks" "So where you from" Demi asked "A small city in Texas" they both nodded "Those yo brothers" Nicole asked I smiled and nodded "Yea the one in red shirt is Jermaine and the one in the black shirt is Jeremiah" they both awwed "Well we're gonna go in it was nice meeting yall" I said trynna leave "Alright and you should look up star studio I think you'll like it" Nicole said I smiled and nodded while grabbing my brothers to go in.

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