Chapter 3

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BAM....OPEN UP ITS THE POLICE. I quickly opened the door "Is there a problem officers" I asked curious as to why the police was at my house "Are you Jeremiah Smith" one asked "Yes whats goi--" "Jeremiah Smith your under arrest for domestic violence and rape you have the right to remain silent anything you say can and will be used against you in the court of law you have the right to an attorney if you can not afford an attorney one will be appointed to you do you understand these rights as they have they been afforded to you" he said all this while pushing me down cuffing me and taking me to the car the only thought I had was how they get in my gate and who did I rape the only bitch I been talking to is.....Chelsea but I ain't fuck her "I said do you understand" he hollered "yea man and I want my lawyer"


I still can't believe that hoe tried to get me locked up but since i got a good ass lawyer he got me off. He proved that she lied the bitch showed up with bruises claiming I did it they had her examined the doctor proved some where self inflicted while others where done by a hand bigger than mine.

"Daddy" I heard a voice call breaking me out my thoughts I looked up to see Riya "Yes princess" even though she's older she's my only girl of course she go always be my princess "Can we play the XBOX" she asked giving me that cute face that she know I can't say no to "Of course baby" she ran off. I've had the kids for 4 days now and while getting to know the boys I realized they are so much like me it's crazy. Well not Jr he's just like Aalea he so sweet and quiet but Jermaine takes after me even though he never been around me he says whatever is on his mind and will hurt you if you hurt his family trust me I know he pushed a kid at the play ground the other day for pushing Jr off the slide.

Shanti told me Lea was suppose to come down here 3 days ago I wonder if she made it safely. "Hey Riya" I'm bout to see if she heard from her "Yes dad" "Have you heard from yo mom" she nodded no "Not since she called the night we came to say good night to the twins and saying she was going to be visiting aunt Shanti" that's weird "Call see if she made it" she smiled knowingly "Oooo you like her" she squealed I chuckled and shook my head "Girl stop being silly and do what I asked" she nodded and walked away.

She came back moments later "Funny thing daddy she didn't answer" I looked shocked I know Lea would answer in a heart beat for her kids "Let me see yo phone" she handed it to me I called the number that was saved as 'MyQueen ' back the phone rung twice before the call was sent to voicemail. Now I'm worried that's not like her we all know Lea came to see the kids at least but never send them to voicemail. Let me go by Shanti and Mike house see if Shan knows what's up even though we not together I still love that girl and would do anything for her.


Since Mike is at work today me and Alonna decided to have a girls day we suppose to do each others nails bake cupcakes and go shopping. I was going to wait until Lea got here but she ain't made it yet which is crazy seeing as she was suppose to be here a couple days ago.



The door bell sounded making stop with the cupcakes and whip my hands on my apron "Stay here Alonna mommy will be right back" leavingthe kitchen I called out "Who is it" waiting i finally heard "Yo favorite big brother with yo favorite niece and two handsome twins" I laughed at his retardation. I opened the door and let them all in "Hey sis what you up to" he asked following me into the kitchen "Nothing me and Lonni having a girls day right now we baking cupcakes....I was go wait to Lea got here but she aint showed up yet" he sighed "That's why i came i wanted to know if you heard from her Riya tried calling but she got sent to voicemail" I looked at him confused "You mean she ignored her call" he nodded "Let me call her cause that aint like her at all" he said ok and sat down on a stool "Aye yall kids go play" I said pulling out my phone they ran out and I proceeded to call.

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