Chapter 13

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Waiting after knocking three times Stacy finally answered the door "Oh my Joshua is that you it's been so long come in" I smiled she ain't even notice the crew behind me soon as I stepped in so did they "Stacy this my fiance Sasha and I'm sure you remember my bro Jeremiah Mike and Mike girl Shanti" she smiled a fake smile "I do make yourself comfortable" we nodded and sat at the island "So what bring yall bye" I cleared my throat "Well Stacy Aalea is missing and we were wondering if you would have any idea were she could be" yea I lied and acted like we ain't know where she was but it's just to get a reaction out the hoe "I don't know where that man stealing hoe is and I really don't care" I seen Shanti ball up her fist "Look bitch just because she ain't here don't mean Imma let you disrespect my sista you lucky I'm pregnant or else I'll beat your ass" Stacy cleared her throat then laughed "Whatever little girl but like I said I don't know where the bitch at and really don't care now of you excuse me I gotta get my man's lunch ready" "Oh so Mark here" Jeremiah asked "Yea he is he upstairs" Jeremiah nodded not saying anything else and walking towards the steps. "Where you think you going" Stacy said running after him and we just followed I had to make show he ain't beat Mark to bad.


"What's up Mark" I said approaching him on the bed he sat up and smiled "What you here for yo big ass girl ain't here" I clenched my jaw "Oh I know I'm here for you..... where she at" he chuckled "I don't know what you mean" I hate when people lie to me so I hit his ads dead in the jaw "Nigga don't lie to me Where my girl and kids" he wiped his mouth "Who knows probably at a buffet.... but what I can say is she got some good as pussy" after he said that all I saw was red before I knew t I took out ny gun and began to pistol whip him before I could hit him fir the fifth time Josh pulled me off "That's enough" I growled "Mark you wanna repeat what you said" he chuckled and winced in pain "I gave yo bitch this dick and she loves it.... she layed there and took it" not trying to hear anything else I capped his unloading the whole clip while Stacy screamed "Somebody shut that bitch up". Nobody seen it coming and we couldn't stop it in point five seconds Shanti back handed her ass so hard her head hit the wall.

After we tied Stacy up and threw her in the car I went and cleaned the house my damn self since we can't trust these niggas. After cleaning I got in the car and Josh drove off "You cool bruh" Josh asked I just nodded but in all honesty I wasn't I was pissed I ain't go lie that shit got to me and if it was true that mean he raped my baby I honestly wouldn't be able to live with myself knowing I couldn't protect her from him. Pulling back up to my house we got out soon as we stepped in I was giving orders "Take her to the new room in the basement" I had another room made not to long ago it's sound proof its not anything in there yet but I was go make it into a weapon room just in case but since Stacy here it can be a holding cell "I'm goi.g to shower and change and take yall to y'all kids and you Josh to yo girl go to the safe house til it's time" they nodded and we all went on our way. While in the shower I couldn't help but think about the things my family could be going through I swear after this we all moving I cat take the bull shit that comes with living here.


After I came back from the mall I noticed the house was extremely quiet I mean like too quiet walking around with out saying anything I noticed it was empty I cursed under me breath and went to look at my security tapes "I knew I should've had Ken come" Mark left Kennedy here so he can make sure Stacy wasn't opening her mouth. Watching the tapes I see her and the kids leave out the stair well and into he alley I laugh knowing this bitch has no money to leave. I turn on the chip I put in her shoe and make my way to her location "Pete's pawn shop" the drive only took five minutes and she was coming out Soon as I was walking in I grabbed the first child I saw I said "Damn baby I been looking for y'all come on so we can go home" she held Mariya tight and grabbed the other twin hand and reluctantly got in the car. "You know I'm fucking you up when we get home" I whispered she just showed no emotion so I grabbed her hair "Answer me when I talk to you" she sucked in air from the pain "Yes" she cried out and I laughed "Yes what" "Y-yes daddy" I patted her head like the good girl she was and pulled off reminding myself to get the locks for the inside that use a key ain't no way this bitch go escape again.


I was so close to getting away how could I fuck how did he find me when he picked up Jr he knew there as no way I would put up a fight he displayed his piece with no problem on his hip and I knew he wasn't afraid to use it. We pulled back up to the apartment quicker than when we left "Aalea you go to the room while I make sure the kids get straight" all I could do was nod and walk in with him right behind me with the kids. I head him put a movie on for the kids and turn it up loud soon as he shut they room door I got scared I stood in the middle of the floor thinking of an attack plan. When he stepped in the room with Mariya and locked the door I couldn't help but be scared of what he might do "Please don't hurt her" I begged he smirked "Oh I want I just want to show her something" I shook my head trying not to cry "See Mariya a woman is suppose to listen to a man and if she doesn't she should be punished just how I'm going to punish your mother" the tears leaving my baby girls eyes hurt me and when he turned and back handed me it pained me to hear her scream I knew I had to fight back "Turn away baby" is what I said before I sent a devastating kick to his knee cap. He fell next to me holding his knee I climbed on top of him "Get in the closet Riya" soon as she as in and I couldn't see her I starte sending blows to his face even tho I knew my hits probably wasn't doing shit to him I couldn't stop I just wanted him unconscious. He caught my fist mid swing and flipped me no caring that my head hit the floor hard the hit was so hard it went thru my spine t the bottom of my feet "Bitch you thought I was playing.....Marya if you don't come out I promise I'll kill yo momma" "Nooo Riya stay in" she didn't move "COME OUT NOW IF YU DONT SHE DIES I. THE NEXT FIVE SECINDS AND YOU TAKE HER PLACE" when he said that my heart started beating a mile a minute he pulled out his gun and cocked it I cried when I seen my baby come out that closet I didn't care if I died I only cared about her safety and that meant keeping him from her "Its ok baby mommy's ok" she nodded wiping her on going tears "If you close yo eyes even if it's to blink I'm putting a bullet in her head do you understand me mariya" see nodded while crying "I CANT HEAR YOU" he bared she jumped and stuttered "Y-y-yes sir" he smirked and pulled a knife out cutting off my pants and panties pushing all his weight on me and throwing the knife he ripped my shirt and since I didn't have a bra he didn't have to worry about that I started to beat his chest continuously he grabbed my hands held them above my head with his left and whispered "Keep fighting and I won't hesitate yo shoot her" I instantly stopped moving and cried this was something I didn't want her to witness.

He started to stroke his self to get hard rubbing it up and down my slit I whimpered I could feel Mariya eyes on me I wanted to reassure her that I was ok but I couldn't bring my self to look at her with out warning he rammed him self into and a scream left my lips he began thrusting and it wasn't until I heard Riya scream "PLEASE STOOOOPPP" that was able to look at her hoping my eyes would calm her letting her know it was on ok but when I followed her gaze she was looking dead at him panting and grunting on top of me as I whimpered and cried under him and just like he told her to do she kept watching with tears in her eyes I finally decided to speak "Its ok ri" I said in a whisper and this was the only time she looked down at me sniffling she moved back into a corner sitting down pulling her legs to her chest rocking and humming to herself he was unloading his seed into me agian almost ten minutes later. Pulling up his pants he wiped his forehead he got up unlocked the doors and told her to leave "And you hurry up and clean yo big ass up so can eat" he hurried off the floor after a hot shower and a good scrubbing I went to the kids room I just wanted to hold my daughter. Soon as I got in there she ran into my arms crying hysterically "Shh shh baby it's ok mommy is so sorry baby I'm so sorry I know I promised you you wouldn't have to see me get hut again and I'm sorry I couldn't keep that promise but today you saw something much worse baby and I'm sorry" she cried looking at me "I didn't want yu to die mommy" that tugged at heart "It would have been on as long as it insured your safety but when he threatened to put you in my place baby I couldn't let that happen...I'm sorry" she nodded after I kissed her forehead I went to cook. I swear I'm go get out of here if it's the last thing I do I don't care what it takes today just strengthened my determination.


Please don't be mad at me....

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