Chapter 9

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I couldn't find the words as he stared at me once again licking his lips with that disgusting smirk on his face. His grey eyes just like his sons staring deep into mine I found the courage to turn to my mother "What the fuck he doing here" I forgot my kids were here I never cuss in front of them so I had to apologize "My bad babies....go to the back please" I had to figure what the hell was going through Stacy head I know she ain't got back with him "Mama I asked you a question why is he here" She mugged me "First off watch yo tone I'm yo mother and he's here because we're working on our relationship" I laughed bitterly "You are so fucking pathetic I thought you were done with this low life ass nigga now you "Working on yo relationship" what type of shit is that do you not remember that this is the same nigha that tried to rape me or was your apology for not believing me a total lie"

She got in my face "Your a grown as woman that was over five years ago get over it Aalea may be if you weren't always walking around showing ass he wouldn't have been tempted" I stood baffled here I was thinking she changed and she was the same bitch she was five years ago that apology was bullshit just like everything else that come out her mouth. Soon as she backed away I turned and smacked the dog shit out of Marcus "You lucky I don't kill yo bitch ass and as for you" I turned to my mother "Your fucking pathetic don't call me text me ask to see my kids nothing I'm so done with yo weak ass like seriously you need a man so bad that you would stoop so low as to get back with this scum bag I feel sorry for yo ass.... when he start beating ass yo ass like Rich did Ken don't call me" I called my kids and we left I just couldn't believe her.

Soon as we pulled up to the house I see the back of a woman and Jeremiah with his gun out "Stay in the car I'll be back" the kids nodded and I got out and walked out to the porch "Jeremiah what's going on" soon as that left my mouth the female turned around and my heart almost stopped standing at my door was none other than Chelsea with the tightest shirt showing her protruding stomach "This bitch think she can come up here and ask for help after she set me up I swear Aalea if she don't get off my porch I'm go blow her brains out talking bout I'm the daddy knowing she only gave me head".

Here I was trying to calm down an angry Jeremiah "Baby calm down the kids in he car lets just take this in the house ok" I stepped in front of him putting one hand on his chest and lowering his hand with the gun with my other kissing him in the process he easily calmed down and stepped inside putting the gun away I turned and waved my kids inside Riya got out with the boys. "Yall hungry" I asked following them into the house with Chelsea behind me "Yes mommy I starving" Jr said I laughed he has his father's appetite "Ok go play while I make lunch" they all ran off and I turned to Chelsea "Look I'm being nice but cross the line and I won't hesitate to best yo pregnant ass making show I don't hit yo stomach understand" She nodded swiftly that was when a noticed the bruise on her face "Follow me". I walked away leading her to the living room Jeremiah was sitting there when with his head in his hands "Bae you ok" I said walking to sit next to him he looked up and nodded.


"Chelsea why you in my lying" I asked as calm as I could "Jeremiah I'm not lying and you know it just because yo lil girlfriend here don't mean nothing you know we had sex" I sighed frustrated "Look lil girl I done warned yo ass now keep coming at me sideways" Lea said giving her the "Fuck with me look" I could tell she was in a bad mood when she got home "Look Chelsea I'm not bout to deal with this bullshit get out my house" I'm tired bru I still don't know how she found my crib like I swear it's so any snakes in the water it ain't funny.

"Yea whatever I'll leave but I will be back because you will take care of yo baby" with that she got up and Lea showed her out and I just sat back with my head leaned back and my eyes close this hoe forever trying to pin me for shit. I felt Lea climb on top of me I looked up at her and grabbed her hips "Please tell me you don't believe her" I said looking in her eyes for the answer she smiled "I don't... the bitch is sneaky and I don't trust her" I smiled and kissed her "What happened to you tjis morning bae you wasn't answering yo phone" she looked at me funny "My phone didn't ring" She said pulling it out soon as she did her mouth dropped "Sorry it was on silent" I laughed she to forgetful "I was at Stacy house that BITCH royally pissed me off..." I was bout to ask why "Marcus was there" I instantly got mad I know that nigga wasn't around my kids and just like she was reading my mind she said "Don't worry I sent the kids away while went off on Stacy and smacked Marcus.... I can't believe that bitch got back with him" before I could respond the timer to the oven went off. "Kids come eat" She hollered out after she made plates with Tyson nuggets.

After they ate we went to Shanti and Mike crib since Sasha and Josh was already over there. Soon as we pulled up the house Lea and the kids hopped out and walked straight in like they live there I ran in behind them "Aunty Shan" I heard the twins yell I laughed I walked in to see her kissing them on they face Sasha came out the back pouting "Aww no love for tete Sasha" She said to the twins they wiggled out of Shanti ars and ran to her while she stuck her tongue out at Shan "The fellas out on the patio Jeremiah" Shanti said I nodded and walked out there.


We all sat on the patio talking my pulled me on his lap and whispered in my ear I just nodded "Aye yall guess what" Mike said to the crew they looked at us "Imma be a daddy again" he said cheeseing I just laughed the fellas dapped him up and the girls hugged me yea it's true I found out 2 weeks after they had they daddy daughter day he was excited since this is what he wanted but know after this one birth control here I come. "So have y'all figured out what we go do about the Kennedy situation" I asked sipping my tea "I honestly don't think we should do anything I mean it's been five years if she wanted trouble she would've done something by now" Sasha stated she always the nom confrontational type "Nah I don't trust her at all..." Lea said and I don't blame her hell years after friendship and this girl turn on you twice fuck that "Lets not worry about it until we have to for now let's just live in the moment with our growing families" Josh said every one noddes.

"So Sasha how you been feeling since you been put on bed rest" Lea asked rubbing her stomach we were still outside on the patio watching the kids play while the guys went to watch whatever game was on "Girl I'm ok I just feel like I'm being lazy every second I lay there it's like another pound being added its irritating but if it means my boy be born healthy I'll won't ever leave the room" She said with a chuckle we all started laughing.

I'm happy for Sasha all she ever wanted was to guve Josh his an child and now she is I can't wait to they get married. Jeremiah came outside and whispered in Lea and by the way she blushed it was probably nasty "Come on munchkins time to go" Jeremiah said the kids came running and moments later Josh was coming out "Come on mah let's get you back in the bed" Sasha groaned but got up while Josh picked up Harmony I swear he spoils that child to death. They all left leaving me Alonna Mike to our selves. After Lea saw Marcus at her mom and with Tez being in town and Kennedy being alive I just hope everything stays calm.


"Do you do what I asked Marcus" I asked soon as he walked in "Yea I did she got twin boys look just like Jeremiah and thanks to Tez and Chels we got the address to they house" I instantly got happy I been waiting forever to get revenge on that fat bitch and now is my time I just gotta get to her before Cortez does.


Here yall go another chapter...

Marcus back

Stacy getting back with him

Chelsea say she peggo by Jer

Shan having another baby

Somebody after Lea....Who is unknown...

Josh in MM




Love JayyBev ✌✌✌

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