Chapter 1

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Life is one crazy roller coaster. One minute you're happy with your family, next minute your mom and dad is divorced, and then it's just you and your pops. My mom was never the mom type. She and I never got along too much and I always felt like she hated me. She would always call me names and say that I️
I was the reason she was so unhappy but dad always told me that that was not true. Everytime I came home from school, I dreaded it cause I knew I was either coming home to a fight or I was home alone with her. Dad would probably be gone handling business and I know that he didn't want to leave me but he couldn't take me with him cause I had school. Dad didn't want to leave mom because deep down even though she was a pain in the ass, he loved her and he didn't want me to be a kid without a mother. They got a divorce when I turned 18. I guess dad really couldn't take it anymore and since I was going to college in a completely different state, Dad basically said peace bitch. But that was years ago and I try to keep everything in the past.

I'm 23 now, I'm a RN and I can say that life is treating me pretty good..... other than my love life. Last boyfriend I so called had was when I was in the 10th grade. Dean Johnson. He was the guy every girl wanted but he just wanted me at least that's what I thought. He was a senior and one of the best players on the basketball team. He was so smooth and good with words that I automatically fell for his stupid ass. Until, the day I caught his kissing another girl in the hall way. I was devastated cause I gave myself to him and everything and he stomped on my heart. But do I regret dating him, no I don't because he taught me a lot. A lot as in what to watch out for when a guy is trying to get at me. I mean plenty of guys has tried to get with me over the years but I shut them down quick and I know all the ones who tried has only tried to you know what.

But enough about me let's jump to the present day.


" GET OUT OF THE WAY! " I yelled cause I️ have terrible road rage. I was on the phone waiting for my dad to pick up the phone. He called me while I was working.

" hello? "

TONI: hey dad, what's up you called?

" hey my baby girl, I miss you "

TONI: (giggles) I miss you too, now what you want cause I know you want me to do something?

He laughed out loud.

" now why would you say that?! But I do want you to do something "

I knew it.

TONI: and that is?

I asked while blowing my horn at the car in front of me.

" you know one day somebody gone get you with that road rage of yours "

TONI: (laughs) oh whatever now what is it?

" okay you know that I told you me and the guys are making a movie? Well we almost in the middle of the movie now when we have to bring the teenage us in and I want you to come and help me around on set "

Let's rewind this back. I think I forgot to say that Johnny Gill is my dad. Yes, the New Edition, Yehoooooooo, My My My Johnny Gill. That's my lovely pops.

TONI: what?! You're kidding?

I couldn't believe that he told me that I could come cause I've only came to like two things he has done with his music career. He always tells me " I don't want my baby girl to be in the media cause it's risky " blah blah blah I don't give a damn! I just want to have some fun and I think this is going to be fun.

JOHNNY: yes and all of the guys are waiting to see you

Oh yeah, and New Edition is awesome. I see all of them as uncles or dads. I would have to say my favs are Ronnie and Ralph. Not because they are the cutest but they let me have anything I want. If daddy said I can't have a cookie, Uncle Ronnie would sneak me one and Uncle Ralph always shared his food with me and he would hold me while I was sleep but that was all when I was a kid.

TONI: so when can I come down there?

JOHNNY: actually tomorrow

TONI: oh my goodness Dad I'm so exciting

JOHNNY: me too, every body is waiting to see you! I'm going to send you the address of where we are and I want you to be here by 11

TONI: okay

JOHNNY: and dress comfy cause it's gonna be a long day babygirl

TONI: okay dad, I'll see you tomorrow love you

JOHNNY: love you

I hung up the phone and screamed out loud. Finally something fun and this is perfect timing cause I'm off of work for two weeks cause I finally got my vacation time. Took my supervisor long enough.

I pulled up to my house and went inside. I was exhausted from work but thrilled to be going to my dad's set tomorrow. I need to go ahead and get what I'm wearing out now cause if I don't like in the morning, I won't leave in time and I might cook or pick up me some breakfast. I wonder who all they got for the teenage parts. I shrugged my shoulders thinking I️ll just figure out tomorrow.

Gosh I love my dad.

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