Chapter 10

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The next morning, I️ woke up to hearing Luke getting ready for today, which was set day. He had to be there before I did so that's why I stayed in bed.

His attention turned to me when he seen my movement and he put a smile on his face.

LUKE: Goodmorning beautiful

He said before kissing my cheek.

LUKE: ready for today?

TONI: what? A day trying to resist from kissing you in front of everybody? Sounds like fun

I got up with the covers covering up my chest, of course I was naked.

LUKE: well don't think it's easy for me

TONI: I can't wait til we don't have to worry about being seen or anything

LUKE: I know, me too babygirl

He said while putting on his shirt.

LUKE: but the movie will be done soon

TONI: in a few weeks to be exact

LUKE: yeah and we won't have to worry anymore

TONI: what makes you think that?

LUKE: well we can spend more time together an-

TONI: my da-

He rolled his eyes and scoffed.

LUKE: Toni baby look, your dad is a huge role model to me and all but don't you think he's taking you having a boyfriend too serious?

TONI: of course I do, it's just he's really the only person I've had in my life and I-

LUKE: and you have me now so chill, we gone be straight and soon we won't have to worry about this

I smiled looking at him. I trust every word he was saying and I knew he meant well. I eventually got up and started getting ready with him. Might as well even though I was still exhausted.


I was sitting at a table in the meeting room talking to Uncle Ronnie and Ralph. My dad was outside talking to some lady and the cast was having their own conversations.

RALPH: you know your daddy got issues babygirl

I laughed at him and so did Ronnie. We were talking about how my dad reacted when Bobby asked did I have a boyfriend.

RONNIE: I mean you gone meet somebody someday and you a grown ass woman so he might as well get ready for that

TONI: (whispers) that has already happened

RALPH: huh?

TONI: nothing, he just can be irritating VERY irritating about the situation

RONNIE: oh we know but one day when you do think you have found the one, you just gone have to tell him whether he like it or not

RALPH: that's real

I nodded then looked up at Luke. He was on his phone but he quickly looked up at me and winked. I blushed then looked away. Suddenly my dad walked in with a huge grin on his face. The hell got him so happy?

TONI: uh sup dad? Why you so happy?

RALPH: hmm

I looked at him confused then turned back to my dad.

JOHNNY: oh uh nothing babygirl (clears throat) nothing, ready for today?

He asked changing the subject.

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