Chapter 7

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After a long day of hearing my dad wanting me to do this and that and sneaking around with Luke, we can finally leave set. I was listening to my dad talk to the rest of the New Edition when my phone vibrated. I quickly pulled it out of my pocket to see Luke had texted me. I grinned like an idiot which I shouldn't have did cause Uncle Bobby loud mouth ass caught me.

BOBBY: damn who got you all happy?

He asked making the rest of them look at me including my dad.

TONI: w-what you talking bout?

BOBBY: somebody got you smiling all wide and stuff, got you a boyfriend?

Before I could open my mouth, my dad jumped into the conversation.

JOHNNY: ain't nobody good enough for her unless I say so, she ain't got no boyfriend

It got quiet and weird then I remembered Luke said in the text that he would be at my place in 15 minutes.

TONI: I'll see you guys tomor-

RONNIE: we off tomorrow, come back Monday

TONI: okay then bye guys

They said bye and once I got out that door, I ran to my car hoping he doesn't get there before me. I drove quick but careful home thinking about Luke of course. I'm honestly sick of the crap with my dad. He clearly must be forgetting that I'm a grown ass woman then he embarrasses me in front of the guys like why? Why would you do that? I swear he really makes my head hurt.

I pulled up to my house to see Luke's car in the front.  I hurried got my things and got out the car. He got out of his car and headed towards me with a duffle bag in his hand.

TONI: hey sorry I'm late my dad was running his mouth

LUKE: it's okay baby

He said kissing me but I was wondering why he had a bag. He caught my eyes looking at it and said....

LUKE: I'm staying tonight

Damn. Just like that huh? No asking or telling me ahead of time? Who the hell am I kidding?! I got hot when he said that. Yes daddy tell me what you gone do!

" Toniii? "

TONI: yeah?

LUKE: I said are you ready to go inside? It's kind of cold

TONI: oh yeah uh let's go

I got my key and unlocked the door letting us in.

TONI: welcome back

He chuckled.

TONI: you know the living room and kitchen and I'll show you upstairs cmon

I went upstairs with him close behind and I could feel him staring at me hard making me nervous.

TONI: this is my room, the guest room and the bathroom

I said pointing at the different doors. He went straight to my room without saying anything making me just stand there in shock. He came back into the hallway with me with no bag in his hand. I quickly forgot I had things in my hands and went to my room to put my things down.

LUKE: your room is nice, I like it a lot

TONI: thanks, I tried

LUKE: well you do have good taste, but I knew that when I first saw you

I turned to look at him while taking my shoes off.

TONI: really? How?

LUKE: the way you dress, it's uh it's amazing.. I love your style, you can tell when someone has good taste by the way they dress

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