Chapter 11

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Damn! They walked in on us. Now I gotta make sure they don't run their mouths to anybody cause it's a lot of messy people here.

I saw Algee and Keith walking back to the meeting room but I called out to them. They turned around to look at me kind of shocked. I looked around and pulled them to the side of the building where nobody was.

LUKE: look you can not tell anybody about what y'all saw

KEITH: chill man it's okay we not gone tell anybody

ALGEE: yeah man we boys, you think we would rat you out?

I sighed relieved.

LUKE: thanks y'all I appreciate it

I said while we gave each other dap.

KEITH: but that's risky man find somewhere else more secretive

He laughed then me and Algee did too.

LUKE: will do

ALGEE: so you feeling her Wolf?

I nodded then smirked.

LUKE: yeah man I am, a lot actually

KEITH: you see I knew y'all had something going on, I had a feeling

ALGEE: shut up that's not the main point! man Johnny is gonna kill you

LUKE: that's why I said not to tell anybody! Just between us three

KEITH: alright we gotcha

ALGEE: aye there go ya girl

I turned to see Toni walking back to the meeting room but she was stopped by Johnny.

ALGEE: oh shit, this ain't got nothing with me and shit I feel nervous as hell

KEITH: (laughs) that's on

They continued to talk and I could tell Toni was worried cause she had the look all over her face then they eventually walked back into the room.

ALGEE: he probably looking for you man gone head, we behind ya

We walked back to the room to see everybody getting ready to start the day.


I turned to look at him and I saw Toni just sitting in her chair staring into space.

LUKE: yeah?

JOHNNY: I've been looking for you, time for wardrobe and makeup

He patted my back then we headed to the trailer. The quicker we get this done the quicker the movie will be over.

So Luke was now doing the My My My scene of the movie and this was the last scene we were doing for the day. I'm ready to go the hell home cause I've been stressing myself out all day. I kept seeing the guys that caught us in the lunch room and I can never look them into the eyes cause I get nervous all over again. I haven't talk to Luke since he left me in the lunch room so hopefully he has talked to them and they won't tell.

My my my my my my my, you sholl look good tonight Luke sung my dad's sung so good and he actually kind of sound exactly like him. He was doing an great job, but I was slightly getting jealousy because of the video girl. I could tell that she was really trying to push up on Luke behind the video purpose. Bitch you ain't fooling me, I see what you trying to do. Dad turned to look at me and smiled widely.

JOHNNY: he's doing good huh?

TONI: yeah he is

I did a fake smile so he could turn around and leave me alone.

DIRECTOR: and cut! That's a wrap! Good job Luke

Everybody started clapping and Luke thanked them. I giggled at how cute he was and I started thinking wow this is my man. He wants me! I'm damn sholl lucky.

I looked away from Luke to see my dad having his around the waist of some woman and he was holding  her close to him. Who the hell is this? So he's keeping stuff from me? The only woman I've known my dad to be was my mom so he's seeing someone else and didn't think to tell me. Now don't go thinking that I'm a hypocrite cause I'm not. This situation is totally different from mines.

I got up from the chair I was sitting in and went to get my things so I could go. I decided to shoot Luke a text telling him I was headed home and he said he'd be there soon. I got in my car still thinking who the hell is this woman?


TONI: I think he's seeing someone

I said pacing around the living room.

LUKE: who?

TONI: if I knew I would tell you but I don't know

LUKE: why does this make you feel some type of way?

TONI: cause he didn't tell me, he's hiding it from me

LUKE: like how we're hiding us?

TONI: no this is completely different from that

LUKE: well that is kinda true

I sat down with a thump and changed the subject.

TONI: what did the guys say?

LUKE: said they wasn't gonna tell anybody

TONI: (sighs) okay, I hope they're men of their words

LUKE: I trust them so yeah

I sighed again then looked up to see him staring at me with that smirk on his face.

TONI: you're creeping me out, what is it?

LUKE: I'm just a blessed man..... to have you

TONI: you think so?

LUKE: I know so

He scooted closer to me and kissed me softly. I'm the blessed one.


I was sitting in a chair behind the camera crew watching the guys dancing around and talk while they were filming. They all had one tuxedos and they looked handsome. It was a scene for Uncle Ronnie's wedding. Hmm, I can't wait til I get married. The part they was focusing on now is when Uncle Ralph and Mike were having a talk settling out their issues and I'm glad that they did decide to put that into the movie. I looked around the set to see Luke dancing with a cast girl. I frowned at how he was all on him and stuff. He was smiling but I knew he was just acting. The only time I really wanted to watch them film a scene was when Luke was mostly in it so I decided to go get food cause I was hungry and sit in the meeting room until they were done.

Once I got my food, I sat and ate and I don't know why but I had a feeling that something weird was going to happen today. I brushed the feeling off, continued to eat my snacks and read a book on my phone.



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