Chapter 6

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I pulled up to set still a tad bit tired cause I was up late with Luke. After we finished our little make out in his car, we went inside my place. He carried me inside with my legs around his waist and arms around his neck and by the way of something touching me, I knew he was liking that. Inside, we kissed, talked, cuddled, laughed and it was amazing. As much as we wanted to be together longer, he had to leave cause we both had to be up early for the day.

I got out of my car and headed to the meeting room where dad told me the guys would be every morning. I got a couple of heys on my way there. Everyone is nice now knowing who my dad is.

I walked inside to see the guys and I immediately blushed when my eyes met Luke's but I had to keep it cool.

TONI: hey dad

I said hugging him and the rest of the them.

JOHNNY: hey babygirl get a good night sleep?

TONI: yeah I uh did kind of late though

I shifted my eyes to Luke to see him looking at me but I quickly looked away.

JOHNNY: well I'm glad you did cause I got a lot of work for you and Luke to do

TONI: uh okay

I felt my phone vibrate so I took a look at it and Luke sent me a text saying: You look so damn good, I want to taste those lips again

My eyes grew wide and I snapped back into reality cause my dad was calling my name.


TONI: h-huh?

I heard somebody laugh quietly. I'm sure it was probably Luke.

JOHNNY: you had breakfast?

TONI: oh uh no I was in a rush

JOHNNY: go in the lunch room, vending machines in there

TONI: okay wait where is the-

BOBBY: one of the guys can take you

JOHNNY: no I got it

I rolled my eyes at him cause he's something serious.

RICKY: still overprotective I see

RALPH: gone be that way til she turn 50

I really wanted Luke to show me because I wanted him badly. He really did things to me that I've never felt before. Dad showed me the direction of the lunch room and once I got inside I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. I fanned myself cause I was getting hot thinking about Luke. Goodness what is this guy doing to me? I started pacing back and forth thinking about us when I realized that hey I'm a grown ass woman! My dad can't tell me who I can and can't date. What the hell am I talking about? He's gonna kill me. I realized I was pacing for a minute then went to the vending machines to get some stuff. I heard the door open so I turned around and in walked Luke. Something completely took over me and I ran to him, jumped on him and starting kissing him hard. I could tell he wanted the same cause of the way he reacted. He groaned then moved to my neck with sweet kisses making me moan but he shushed me cause we did have to be quiet or we were done for. He pulled away from me while we both were panting and leaned his forehead on mines.

LUKE: Johnny wondered what was taking you so long so I offered to come and check on you

TONI: I'm glad you did

I bit my lip then he groaned and started kissing me again.

LUKE: I swear you don't know what you do to me

I bit my lip again cause he was turning me on.

LUKE: and if you do that again, you gone be in trouble babygirl

He said referring to me biting my lip.

LUKE: we should probably go

He said putting me down.

LUKE: don't need nobody suspecting anything

TONI: you right

I got what all I️ wanted for the vending machines while Luke had already headed back to the room. When I got back there, the atmosphere felt kind of weird and I mean in a bad way.

JOHNNY: Luke said you couldn't think of what to get

Great lie Luke.

TONI: uh yeah, I didn't think it was going to be that much inside the room

It was like 6 vending machines and they had everything that you thought a vending machine wouldn't have.

As I was walking to my seat next to dad. I felt eyes on me, so I looked up to see if it was Luke but it wasn't. It was two other guys in the cast. They were whispering and looking at me all up and down but I guess they was just checking me out hell I don't know but I'm sure it's nothing.


I just did my first scene in the movie and man I am hype. They got me wearing this crazy ass wig but shit I still look good. Toni was watching with Johnny the whole time so I knew I had to do great in front of them and not mess up because that would've been embarrassing. Earlier today when me and her was in the lunch room was my my my. She had me wanting to take her up in there not caring where we were, who would here or who would see. Her moans were so damn sexy it drove me wild. Now I know that I won't be able to keep myself from her. I fell in love in a day, now how is that possible? Last night when we talked it was like I was on the moon with her. Nobody or nothing else mattered but me and her at that moment and now at every moment. I've never felt this way with any other woman so I know this has got to be my gift from God. She is my gift.

It was time for lunch so I started to look for her but I found her at the food table looking around I guess looking for me.

When her eyes met mine, she smiled and tilted her head telling me to come.

TONI: I've been waiting on you

LUKE: yeah?

I asked with a smirk and she nodded her head.

LUKE: lemme fix me up something then we can head to our spot

TONI: okay I'll stand over here so nothing looks weird

She stood by the corner of the table looking around waiting for me. I hurried and got what I wanted cause I was ready to sit with her and enjoy her presence.

LUKE: I'm ready

I looked around and made sure nobody was looking then we headed off. I don't know, I really don't like this hiding shit but it's kind of more exciting when you're sneaking to do things.

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