Chapter 8

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I woke up to the sun beaming in my face and I groaned and immediately moved from it. I looked to my side and did not see Luke. Where was he? I closed my eyes tight trying get my vision to clear up then everything that happened last night started coming back to me.


LUKE: you are the most beautiful woman in the world other than my mama of course

I laughed at his honesty. We were now laying in my bed with our naked bodies tangled in the sheets giving each other compliments and relaxing after the wild rounds we just had.

TONI: and you are so damn fine, I could just eat you up

I said kissing and licking his neck and wrapping my leg around his waist. He hissed and smacked my ass hard but I like it.

LUKE: keep that up babygirl and I'm ringing the bell for another round

I️ giggled at him then I felt his hand going between my legs.......


I was grinning so hard my damn cheeks started to hurt but I stopped when I heard music downstairs and I smelled food cooking. That must be Luke. I got up slowly cause Luke really out did himself last night so I was aching here and there. I went to the bathroom and did all my morning duties, me and Luke took a shower together before going to bed last night. Once I finished brushing my teeth and washing my face, I combed my hair down so I could look cute for Luke. Since I slept naked, I put on his shirt with nothing else. His shirt was long so he wouldn't be able to tell if I had on panties or not. I looked at myself in the mirror and thought I looked okay, got my phone and headed downstairs. When I walked inside the kitchen, there he was cooking, dancing and singing. He was only in his boxers and he looked good as hell. He didn't notice I was there until he did a spin, saw me and jumped a bit. I guess I scared him. He went to his phone and cut the music off.

TONI: Did I scare you?

LUKE: hell yeah, you did! I didn't hear you

TONI: (laughs) well the music was pretty loud

LUKE: yeah I-

He stopped talking and looked at me up and down. When he realized what I had on, he looked up at me with lustful eyes.

LUKE: you got my shirt on huh?

He said slowly walking around the island and I was walking away from him kind of like he was chasing me.

TONI: I do, you like how it looks?

I asked biting my lip. I did that on purpose cause I know he loves it. I heard him groan lowly and smirked to myself. I saw him stop so I stopped infront of him tapping my fingers on the island.

TONI: I thought I would put it on just to see how it uh feels ya know?

I said sticking my hand in the front of the shirt rubbing my chest making it so he can see my breasts just a little. He noticed what I was doing, smirked and bit his lip.

LUKE: come here babygirl lemme show you something

I looked at him up and down while biting my lip deciding if I should go to him but he gave me a you better or you gone get it look so I made my way to him slowly. Once I was like a couples of inches from him, he grabbed my arm and pulled me roughly to him and as crazy as this may sound, he made me hot as hell doing that.

LUKE: you know you look too damn good to be teasing me like that baby, now look at what you did

He put my hand on something and when I touched it, I then knew what it was. With it being so hard, it made me even more hot. I reached inside his boxers and pulled it out. He looked at me trying to see what I was going to do then I️ licked my hand and placed it on him. He groaned and pulled me to him kissing me hard. We kept kissing until he pulled the shirt up and realized I wasn't wearing any panties. He pulled from me and looked at me like he wanted to eat me alive.

LUKE: you bouta get it

He sat me on one of the chairs at the island and spreads my legs wide. I looked him with an impatient face cause I was wanting until his face disappeared between my legs. My mouth went straight into an O form and I let out a loud moan.

LUKE: you taste so damn good baby

He continued to eat me up then suddenly there was a knock on my door. We both completely ignored it until they knocked again and this time harder.

TONI: somebody's at the door baby

I said trying to keep myself together while he was devouring me.

LUKE: they'll leave, let em keep knocking

He kissed me then he put himself inside of me making us both let out moans. He positioned my legs on his arms so I wouldn't run or put them down and started going as deep as he could go then the knocking came again but this time with a voice.

" Toni open the door, it's ya daddy "

Me and Luke both moved from each other and panicked.

TONI: (whispers) go to my room! HURRY!

He nodded his head and rushed to my room almost tripping but managed to get up there. I️ fixed my hair the best way I could and adjusted my shirt- SHIT I thought. I still had on Luke's shirt. I had just said fuck it and opened the door.

TONI: hey dad what's up?


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