Chapter 14

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I just pulled up the premier/party and I'm excited as hell even though I wish I had Toni by my side. Man, I miss her like hell. I've been wanting to see her but I kept thinking maybe she needed time to herself to think or something. I wonder is she coming tonight and is she coming with that clown ass nigga Jeremy. I still owe him an ass whooping. If she comes tonight, I'll be sure to talk to her so we can work this out and we can be back together like we suppose to be.

One camera man yelled. The cameras were definitely getting ya boy hyped up, shit I already felt like I was looking damn good. The rest of the cast came and we all took pictures together and by ourselves.

I did a couple of more poses then some of the cameras went to whoever was behind me.


I looked over to see Johnny and some woman, I guess Toni was right. They both was smiling for the cameras when he turned his attention to me and told me to come over.

JOHNNY: lemme get a picture with the star of the movie

We both laughed then his date stepped out of the way. We got a couple of pictures in then we started to head inside.

JOHNNY: Jeremy, Toni let's go

I paused hearing her name then looked to my side and there she was. Boy, she looked so damn good.

I was taking pictures for the cameras and boy did I love it. The camera men wanted pictures of me only by myself and with my dad and by the look on Jeremy's face he didn't like that but shit I was loving it. Once they moved on to the next person on the carpet, Jeremy tried to grab my hand but I dodge it and walked ahead of him. He thought I was gone hold hands his stupid ass.

I was holding my dress looking down making sure I didn't step on it when something told me to look up and when I did, there he was. It was Luke and he looked yummy. My hormones were raging and I wanted to just jump on him and let him have me infront of everybody but remember to KEEP IT CUTE!

He smirked at me then Jeremy came between us grabbed my hand and pulled me away. I turned back to look and Luke and I knew he was unhappy. I saw I'm guessing Algee and Keith walk up to Luke while looking at us and said something to him making him look away.

TONI: let go of me!

JEREMY: nah cause you think you slick, I'm holding your hand for the rest of the night babygirl

He said before licking his lips.

JEREMY: cmon we gotta find our seats

I looked around the room where everyone would be sitting and it was a pretty huge place maybe a little too big. Jeremy pulled me roughly to a table where I saw my dad and that woman. He pulled my chair out for me I guess trying to impress my dad but I pulled the chair from him and sat down. He gave me a look then quickly changed that look cause my dad was looking at his. He tried to pull my seat closer to his but my seat was blocked by a bar under the table and if he pulled the chair, it was move the table. I looked at him with a smirk thinking you idiot and he gave me a very angry look but he didn't intimidate me. He was a punk. Out of nowhere, everyone starting clapping so I looked to see why. The guys walked in and took their seats. It was like 10 tables reserved for the real New Edition and their families and the cast New Edition and their families. We were sitting at the third table and when Luke spotted us, I immediately got happy pointing my eyes to the seat next to me at the fourth table. He knew what I was saying at sat by me. Nobody had noticed, not even Jeremy cause he was too busy talking to my dad.

LUKE: you look beautiful

TONI: so do you

We both laughed quietly then he looked back at Jeremy.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2018 ⏰

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