Chapter 3

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" hi guys " I said as my voice shook. I pictured me slapping myself in the face cause I was so nervous but this guy's eyes were making me tremble. I tried not to meet his eyes but I looked up and we happened to gaze at each other and we both looked away. Is he as nervous as I am? Shit, what the hell am I thinking? He don't want me. As handsome as he is, I'm sure he can have any girl he wants. Hell im sure all the girls are on him but goodness it would be great to have him. He seems like a very smooth guy, and I mean actually smooth unlike what I thought Dean was. He seems like he's very strong and that he likes to be in control and LAWD did I want to find out was that true.

I snapped back into reality and cleared my throat then looked up at my dad.

TONI: so uh whose playing you dad?

JOHNNY: that would be Luke

Well I be damned the guy whose making me sweat is playing my dad in a movie, how does that sound? Weird as hell. Now I know this is not going to be right because one, my dad does not like for me to have a boyfriend. He doesn't think anyone is man enough to be with me hell when he found out that I was dating Dean, he lost it. I wanted Dean to meet my dad because my dad is a very special person to me just about the only special person to me and when he did afterwards I regretted it. My dad really showed his ass and told Dean a couple of words that a dad would tell his daughter's boyfriend but maybe a tad bit worse. It was so embarrassing and mean that I thought Dean would never talk to me again but I wasn't ashamed because my dad was just looking out for me as he should.

JOHNNY: Luke, my babygirl here is going to be helping me with you cause of course nobody knows me better than her

LUKE: I look forward to it

He said with a smirk. Suddenly someone came through the door. It was the ugly ass producer from earlier.

PRODUCER: hey guys, the director needs to see you for just a sec

She said talking to my dad and his clique.

RONNIE: okay let's go, we'll be back y'all

When I realized that they was leaving me with the guys, I thought oh hell to the no! I quickly grabbed my dad's arm and left out with them. The hell they was thinking leaving me with them. Trying to make me have a nervous breakdown?

She quickly grabbed Johnny's arm and left out with the rest of them. I laughed to myself thinking she didn't want to be left with us by herself but I wish she could've stayed. I love looking at her and just watching her. I can tell she has an amazing personality and that she's funny, wonder if she's taken. What the fuck am I️ thinking? I can't date Johnny's daughter. That would be weird. Right? Man I️ don't know I'm just so confused. I have a crush on my mentor's daughter. Wow, what am I gonna do? I can't tell the guys about this, they'll just laugh at me and say I cant stand a chance but I know I do. I noticed that I make her nervous but it's crazy because she kind of makes me nervous and I'm never like this.

ELIJAH: oh yeah she fine man

YAZZ: yeah but hell I didn't know Johnny had a daughter

I started listening to the guys conversation.

KEITH: I didn't neither, but she kinda look like him though

WOODY: yeah she do, think that's her hair?

ALGEE: that gotta be, it look too real

ELIJAH: ion know it look too shiny.. it may not be

ALGEE: I'm telling you that's her hair

KEITH: (laughs) y'all really having a debate about if that's her hair?

ELIJAH: cause nigga, when you see hair that long these days you have to question it

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