Chapter 4

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When Luke and I finished eating, we continued to sit under the tree and talk. He's seriously funny and I️ haven't laughed so much in forever. I really can't think of a word of how amazing he is and I have only known him for a day but it seems like it been years of us knowing each other. I can feel myself starting to like him and I know that that is definitely not good. I can't fall for him cause of my dad. He would kill me and Luke and he would never let me come around the set again and I can't let that happen. Gosh why why why why why?! Why does this have to be so hard?

I️ stopped thinking about all of that and focused on Luke as he was looking ahead of him. I looked at all his features and thought that this man was gorgeous. I can not see how he does not have someone under his arm already.

LUKE: you know you can just take a picture of me and take it home

I rolled my eyes at him and laughed.

TONI: Im sorry

LUKE: it's okay babygirl

He said looking at me and I immediately looked down hiding my blushing. He lifted my head up with his fingers by chin and smirked.

LUKE: I can look into your eyes all day

TONI: they're not that spectacular

LUKE: no seriously they have a glow that I uh - I've never seen before

We stared at each other and suddenly we both started to lean into each other but then someone yelled " BREAK OVER " making us snap out of it.

TONI: uh maybe we should get back, I'm sure my dad is worried sick

LUKE: yeah uh cmon I'll help you up

He got up first then held his hand out from me. I took it and he pulled me but he pulled me a little to hard which made me bump into his chest and have us very close to each other. I could feel his breath on my lips and we leaned in again but we both pulled back by someone calling his name. I cleared my throat and started walking back to set with him behind me.

When we made it back, the first person I️ saw was dad.

JOHNNY: Toni, where the hell you been? I couldn't find you nowhere

TONI: oh uh I was eating with Luke

Dad looked at Luke and smiled.

JOHNNY: talked about your old man? So he can learn some tips?

TONI: uh yeah, he seems to be catching on to everything very fast

I looked at Luke and he just smiled.

JOHNNY: alright well cmon we got work to do

Dad turned around to walk off making me let go of the deep breath I didn't know I was holding. I looking at Luke and he winked at me making me blush. I followed behind dad so we could finish up today's work.

We were so close to kissing and I wanted to kiss her so damn bad but this just seems all too wrong. I mean what would Johnny say? Maybe I should ask her what would he do if we dated but I gotta make sure we on the same page. Now, how can I️ do that?

I️ came up with an idea and I decided to tell her when today is over with at the set. Hopefully she accepts.


Today was over with and now I was running around looking for Toni. I have been looking for a good 10 minutes and I can't seem to find her anywhere. Right when I started to give up, I️ saw her beautiful face with a smile as she was talking to Ronnie and Ricky. I walked over to her but I stopped cause I didn't want Ronnie or Ricky to think anything so from a far distance, I caught her attention and asked could we talk. She realized what I was doing and told the guys something before walking my way.

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