Chapter 5

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I just picked her up from her house and now we're on our way to one of my favorite places, Longhorn Steakhouse. I've been craving it for a while now but I've been busy so why not take her here now?

When I first got to her place, she was on the phone with Johnny and she told me to keep quiet. I guess she didn't want him to know about us hell I don't neither but I'm sure there's a good reason why she doesn't. I'll bring it up at the date.

We were now riding to the restaurant in a silence that was killing me but I didn't know what to say cause she looked so damn good and her curves were really killing me. Her body is banging. We finally pulled up to the restaurant and I looked at her to see her grinning at me.

LUKE: (laughs) what?

TONI: have you been stalking me? How'd you know I liked Longhorn?

LUKE: (laughs) no I haven't but I may would have if I knew you existed

She rolled her eyes and giggled.

LUKE: shall we?

TONI: yes

I went to open her door, helped her out and headed inside. The waiter sat us down and gave us menus then we immediately started looking for what we wanted.

TONI: the potato soup is awesome

LUKE: really?

She nodded her head.

LUKE: better or it's gone be problems between us

She laughed and shook her head.

TONI: you copying me now?

LUKE: (smirks) nah never that

Once we figured out what we wanted the waiter came back, took our orders and left. After the waiter left, I decided to just look at her. Like I've said before  I can't keep my eyes off her, it's hard to foreal.

LUKE: that's a uh nice dress

She looked up at me and smiled.

TONI: thanks, I️ ordered offline

It was a black velvet dress that had her back with thin straps and it hugged her curves. It was kind of short but long enough. I really wanted to rip that dress off and kiss all over her but that's for another time. I adjusted in my seat and cleared my throat trying not to think about that type of stuff before I️ got you know what.

TONI: you okay?

LUKE: y-yeah I'm fine

She stared at me before speaking.

TONI: so! Why did you ask me out?

Cause I want you.

LUKE: I thought we could hang out is all

TONI: I see nothing wrong with that, so is this a date or just a dinner?

LUKE: what do you want it to be?

She seemed thrown off by me asking that.

TONI: uh I mean I-

She stuttered but then sighed giving up on what to say.

LUKE: what is it?

I asked her leaning up but then our food came. We waited til the waiter left and finished the conversation.

TONI: I'm kind of afraid

LUKE: of?

I asked eating one of my fries.

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