Chapter 12

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I guess I had dozed off for a while and I woke up to loud talking. I popped up quickly and looked around squinting my eyes cause of the light seeing all of the guys.

RALPH: you sleep? Damn you must've been tired

TONI: nah I'm alright

RONNIE: you sure?

He asked patting my back as I nodded my head. I looked up and saw Luke looking at me giving me an are you okay look. I smiling basically saying yes but I could tell he was unsure then he turned his attention to someone who was calling his name.

I stretched in my chair then put my head down looking around at the guys. I guess today is over with and everybody seemed to be kind of excited. Wonder why. I looked at the door cause it opened and in walked my dad with some guy.

JOHNNY: there she is

He said looking my way smiling. I raised my eyebrow questioning why he was looking for me and prepared for some foolishness.

JOHNNY: babygirl?

I lifted my head from the table and I sat quietly waiting for him to finish and in the corner of my eye I could see Luke looking our way.

JOHNNY: this is Jeremy, he's one of the top men of the camera crew

I threw my hand up basically waving as he smirked. He looked like a pig and an idiot. Reminded me too much of Dean.

JOHNNY: I thought you could give him your number, maybe you two could hang out and get to know each other

When he said that, the room suddenly got quiet and I felt all eyes on us.

TONI: you're kidding right?

His smile faded.

JOHNNY: I'm not Toni

He looked around to see the guys looking at us. He grabbed my hand and pulled me outside.

JOHNNY: look he is a nice guy and I think you would like him

TONI: dad, how would you know? You don't even know what I like in men

JOHNNY: I think he's good enough for you so you should talk to him, give him your number

TONI: I'm not giving him my number dad

I said walking back into the room grabbing my things with my dad behind me. Before I could walk out, I was stopped by Jeremy.

JEREMY: here's my card, in case you change your mind

He said winking at me and looking at me up and down but he really disgusted me. I smirked at him took the card fooling him thinking I maybe was interested but I ripped the card up in pieces dropping them on the floor. I heard laughing and I knew it had to come from the cast. I pushed past him and walked out the door. I seriously can't believe my dad would embarrass me like that!

Is Johnny serious? How he gone try to hook Toni up with some nigga like that just because he thinks he's good for her? I mean Toni said he be on some crazy shit but I ain't think it was like that and this bitch ass nigga Jeremy think somebody would want his stupid ass nigga you a whole clown. I never liked him cause he got a smart ass mouth and always wanna talk shit but now he's definitely on my hit list.

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