Chapter 9

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So me and Toni just happen to be making love right and I guess Johnny just decided he wanted to pop up out of nowhere. I swear I'm scared but beyond pissed off cause we was about to get it in real good and he just had to come! We definitely gotta finish this when he leaves. Now, I'm scared, well I'll say I'm more nervous, because I don't have any idea of what Johnny is capable of. Hell he might come checking around the house to see if anybody is here, but I'm not going to jinx anything. I decided to open the door up a little and listen to their conversation. The room echoed a bit so I could hear pretty good. Man, I hope he didn't hear Toni moaning.

" hey dad, what's up? " I said with my voice shaking a little.

JOHNNY: the hell are you doing? I been knocking on the door for like 4 minutes

TONI: oh my bad dad, I was still sleeping.. thought I might as well sleep in today since I have a break

JOHNNY: sleeping in ain't good for ya babygirl and why are you wearing that shirt?

A lump was caught in my throat. I had to quickly think of something and when I did, I knew he would fall for it.

TONI: (sighs) dad you know I'm a tomboy, I sleep in stuff like this

JOHNNY: yeah but it's a formal shirt that a guy wears with a suit

TONI: dad are you judging me? Cause it's annoying

JOHNNY: okay okay I'm sorry

TONI: so why did you come over?

I asked sitting on one of the stools. My dad started talking but my mind was on something else. As soon as I sat down, my eyes grew wide with my butt getting cold reminding me that I didn't have on panties. I quickly sat back up and tried to play it cool.

JOHNNY: you ran off so I came to check on you

TONI: ran off when?

JOHNNY: I just said yesterday Toni, were you listening?

TONI: oh uh yeah, I had to uh catch up on one of my shows you know how I am about that dad

JOHNNY: well you be in such a rush after set you having me thinking about what you doing on your free time

TONI: nothing dad, what it is to do? Other than work?

JOHNNY: that is true well I️ guess I'll let you finish sleeping

TONI: please, I'm exhausted

JOHNNY: I can tell by the way you're looking right now

I rolled my eyes opening the door and as soon as I opened the door, my eyes immediately went to Luke's car and went wide.

JOHNNY: oh yeah, whose car is this?

TONI: uh

He looked at me waiting to answer then I had thought of something.

TONI: oh uh one of my coworkers is going to visit her family and she needed someone to car sit and she trusts me so yeah

JOHNNY: oh that's nice of you

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