Chapter 2

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I️m so excited to see my baby girl. I haven't been able to see her cause I've been so damn busy but now since we are in LA, she might as well come help her old man out.

I walked back into the meeting room from getting off the phone with Toni. Inside were just the guys talking about random stuff.

JOHNNY: sup y'all?

RALPH: nothing Gilly, where you go?

JOHNNY: talking to Toni, I told her she can come up here and help me out with my character

MIKE: that's cool, I haven't seen lil bit since she was like 6 how old is she now?


I said locking my phone.

BOBBY: damn we getting fucking old, ion think I wanna see her.. she might make me feel worse

We all started laughing. We are really getting old, seems like yesterday we were filming Word to the Mutha.

RONNIE: I look good for my age

RICKY: shut up Ron

Mike laughed. These guys are characters.

I woke to my clock reading 10:15. I got up quick and rushed to do my morning duties cause I had to get me some breakfast. As I was brushing my teeth, my stomach was growling uncontrollably and then I knew I had to stop and get me a big breakfast. I'll just have to eat at the set.


I finally got me some food and boy does it smell good, my mouth is drooling. I️m not on my way to the set and I'm shaking with excitement. Hopefully, I can meet a lot of people make new friends cause I don't have any but these people know my dad and I trust anybody my dad knows cause he's good people.

After trying to drive and get food from my plate at the same time, I eventually pulled up to the set and it was extremely busy. I turned my car off, got my phone and food about to get out but then I thought..... where the heck is dad? I didn't want to just walk up there, they may kick me out. I tried to call him but of course there was no answer. He never answers his phone when I need him the most. I took a deep breathe and told myself I could do this. I got out my car, locked it up and headed towards the door. I seen a lady sitting in a chair with a headset on thinking that she maybe would help.

TONI: excuse me?

She looked up at me then raised her eyebrow. I could tell that she had a terrible attitude.

TONI: I'm looking for my dad, could you help me?

WOMAN: your dad?

I nodded my head.

TONI: he's Johnny Gill

She laughed.

WOMAN: you expect me to believe you're his daughter? What are you? a crazed fan?

I rolled my eyes and walked past her.

" HEY! " I heard her yell. I swear I do not want to beat the hell out of this woman today. I haven't ate and it's early as hell so she better back her ass up. I kept looking around trying to see if I could find him when I seen somebody walk out of a room with the door widely open and as it was starting to close I saw my dad talking to someone.

I quickly walked to door and right when I was about to step in I felt a grip around my arm.

TONI: da-


TONI: you better get your DAMN HANDS OFF OF ME!

JOHNNY: hey! hey! hey! What are you doing?

WOMAN: I'm so sorry Mr. Gill I'll get rid of her

JOHNNY: what are you talking about getting rid of her? this is my daughter

The woman's eyes literally almost popped out of her head.

WOMAN: I am so sorry

TONI: yeah whatever

I said snatching my arm.

JOHNNY: it's okay, you didn't know

TONI: like hell she didn't!

JOHNNY: Toni... stop

WOMAN: sorry again

Dad closed the door and looked at me. I rolled my eyes and turned around to sit but stopped cause I saw all eyes on me. I was shocked cause I didn't know others was in here. Uncle Ralph, Ronnie, Ricky, Bobby and Mike and a group of other guys I totally didn't know but I didn't want to look them in their faces. It would make me nervous.

TONI: uhhh

BOBBY: girl you act just like yo mama

I rolled my eyes and scoffed.

TONI: no I don't uncle Bobby

I saw a seat where at the table they was at and sat my food down going to give all of them a hug.

RALPH: you done got so big babygirl

I just giggled at him.

RONNIE: gone man I'm her favorite

He said as I went to hug him.

TONI: oh lord, here y'all go

As they started to argue, I hugged the rest of them and sat down about to eat my food but I stopped cause I didn't want anybody looking at me. I'll just wait till they leave.

TONI: so what's up old guys?

RALPH: nothing just- oh! Johnny introduce

He said pointing to the group of boys and me.

JOHNNY: oh yeah

Oh no dad.

JOHNNY: come here babygirl

I got up and headed to where my dad was standing. I got nervous cause I felt eyes on me again.

JOHNNY: okay Toni this is Woody, Elijah, Algee, Yazz, Keith and Luke

I looked at all of them as he named them until he stopped at ....... Luke.

So me and the guys were all in this meeting room with the original New Edition and I must saw that this whole experience is amazing. Getting the part as Johnny Gill was everything to me. I knew I had to kill this part so he could be proud I mean this guy is a legend. A singing legend. His voice is pure and I can say that we do kind of sound a like when we sing.  He's like a mentor for me, I look up to him big time.

We were laughing at a memory Bobby was telling us when all of a sudden a girl came rushing in with one of the producers following behind her. My eyes immediately snapped to the girl. She was unbelievably gorgeous. Her mocha and smooth skin, her hair was long and her body incredible.

WOODY: aye who is that?

ELIJAH: that's what im trying to figure out

I heard them saying behind me.

" you better get your DAMN HANDS OFF OF ME! "
She yelled. Damn, babygirl don't play. I like that.

" what are you talking about getting rid of her? This is my daughter " Johnny said.

I snapped back to reality on that one. I was shocked cause I did not know Johnny had a damn daughter. Especially one so damn fine like her. I couldn't keep my eyes off of her.

" Toni ... stop "

Toni? Her name was Toni. Honestly, her name fits her perfectly. The producer walked out then she suddenly realized that we all were in the room.

" uhhhh " I chuckled inside at her cluelessness. She was too damn cute.

All the rest of the New Edition seem to know her so I'm guessing she grew up with them being around. She kind of got annoyed when Bobby mentioned her mom, I wonder why.

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