Ch. 5

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Harry walked into the kitchen to get himself something to drink , stopping in the entrace when he saw Liam and Louis sitting there , drinking hot chocolate .

Louis looked up at him and quickly lowered his gaze , sinking a little in his seat . Liam turned to face Harry , smiling , "Hey Harry ."

"Hi Liam ." Harry said and turned to the fridge .

Liam frowned and looked over to Louis , leaning closer . "Did something happen ?" He whispered , Louis shrugged and shook his head .

Harry placed an apple juice bottle on the counter and took out a cup , pouring himself a cup before placing the bottle back in the fridge , taking the cup and walking out of the kitchen without a single word .

Liam turned back to Louis . "Tell me what that was about ."

Louis swallowed thickly . "T'was nothing ." He said almost in a whisper , making Liam roll his eyes . "Don't give me that bullshit . Tell me what happened ."

"Nothing happened ." Louis whispered .

"Well there has to be a reason as for why just yesterday you two were close , and now you're ignoring each other ." Liam said . "Tell me what happened ."

Louis shook his head and sipped on his drink , still looking down at his lap .

Harry walked back into the kitchen , placing his now empty glass in the sink .

"Harry , come here for a second ." Liam called him over , and now Louis' heart was hammering in his chest .

Harry raised his eyebrows but walked over , keeping his distance a bit . "What's up ?"

"You tell me . Is there a reason you and Louis are ignoring each other ? Just yesterday you were good friends ."

"Exactly . Were ." Harry nodded . "Besides , I don't appreciate thieves ." And with that , he walked out of the kitchen .

Liam furrowed his eyebrows , turning to Louis . "What was he talking about ? Did - did you tell him about the robbing ?"

Louis shook his head quickly , making Liam sigh . "Louis , I'm going to need you to tell me what the hell happened ."

Louis shook his head and got up from his seat , marching out of the kitchen and ignoring Liam's calls for him to come back .


It's been three days , and Louis barely said a single word . He avoids being in the same place as Harry , even when they eat all the kids together . He said nothing to Liam , trying to ignore him and Niall as much as he could , distracting himself by staying outside in the back yard most of the time .

Liam figured that Louis won't say anything , so he might aswell get it out of Harry . 

He walked into the kitchen , where Harry was sitting by the table . "Hey Li , what's up ?"

"Can we talk for a bit ?" Liam asked , Harry nodded and pulled out the chair next to him .

Liam made up his thoughts quickly and looked directly at Harry . "What happened with Louis ?"

"Ask him yourself ." Harry rolled his eyes .

"Well I've been trying to for the past four days but he never talks . Literally , never talks . He's ignoring everyone and is alone most of the time , and I'm getting really worried . One day you two are close and you're good friends , then the next day he's miserable and you're ignoring each other . I need to know what happened ."

Through The Dark - Larry Stylinson AU (Short Fic) (boyxboy) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now