Ch. 6

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It's been four weeks since the incident , and even though things are better than before , there were still things he wanted to change ; like Des , of course . He was still strict about him and Harry being closer than friends , so Louis made sure not to be seen around the place with Harry when Des is around .

It was Harry's birthday , and Louis really wanted to get him something . He's been helping him with reading and writing a lot , and he wanted to repay him somehow .

"Li ?" Louis approached him , Liam looked up at him from his place sitting next to the table in the kitchen . "Yeah ?"

"I - can you help me with something ?" Louis asked , Liam nodded and pulled the chair next to him out for Louis to sit . Louis sat next to him with a piece of paper and a few markers . "I w-wanted to make Harry a card . Like , write him a card ... for his birthday . Since I can't buy anything ."

Liam smiled , "Of course , let's start ." He said , making Louis smile .


Harry walked into the orphanage with Ellianne and Zayn , all three smiling and laughing . The orphanage kids were throwing a small surprise party for Harry , so they asked him to come to the TV room at two p.m , where they waited with some snacks and food , music and presents .

Harry led Zayn and Ellianne through the halls until they reached the room , he opened the door and grinned as the orphanage kids started singing happy birthday to him .

Ellianne pushed him further inside , he chuckled and thanked everyone , hugging them all . He crouched down and let Thomas , Mia and Alex attack him in a hug , grinning as he squeezed them .

Niall , Liam , Jenna and Mary all hugged him and wished him a happy birthday , he smiled widely and thanked them all . When he reached Louis he pulled him tightly into his chest , Louis' small arms wrapping around his torso .

"I always feel like I need a chair to hug you ." Louis said and giggled , Harry laughed and pulled back , only to wrap his arms around Louis' waist and pick him up to his height , hugging him .

Louis let out a squeak and wrapped his arms around his shoulders , laughing a bit , "You're crazy ."

Harry just smiled widely and rocked him in his arms for a few more seconds before placing him down , Louis blushed shyly and bit his lower lip , "I uh , I made something for you ."

"Did you ?" Harry asked , his smile never faltering . Louis nodded and shyly took him to the side , pulling the card from the pocket of his jacket . "L-Liam helped me write this , and I'm going to read this to you ."

Harry nodded encouragingly , waiting patiently with a grin on his lips .

"D-dear Harry . I w-wish you a happy birth-thday , stay ama-amazing and thank y-you for e-e..everything . Keep being a-a good friend and keep m-m-making us yummy food . Love , Louis ."

Louis' cheeks were a deep red colour by the end , and Harry was grinning like a fool . He wrapped his arms around Louis tightly , "I love it so much , thank you . I'm really proud of you ."

Louis smiled against his shoulder , his heart racing at the close contact . Harry pulled back a little and kissed his cheek , "Thank you . Want a snack ?"

Louis could only nod , and if he could blush deeper , he would . He let Harry walk him to the table of snacks , ignoring Niall and Liam wiggling their eyebrows at him .

They reached the snacks table , Harry playfully fed Louis a crisp . He saw from the corner of his eye Ellianne and Jenna talking , Ellianne made eye contact with him and stuck her tongue out at him when he wiggled his eyebrows at her .

Through The Dark - Larry Stylinson AU (Short Fic) (boyxboy) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now