Red Velvet.

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It is early morning and I don't want to get up I can hear the birds singing I can smell his parfume on the other side of the bed.I can still smell his grate halo on my sweater I know that he is not here anymore and I know that I'm going to miss him the whole day,so even if I'm upset I decide to get out of the bed I pawl around the big house without know where I am,I've no memories I just found myself kissing an older man his hands were soft and he moved gently and he was so damn charming as hell.Everything I know is just that I kissed him under the bridge his arms covered my body and I put his fingers around my hips and then I Might have thought that he was the man of my life and that he was my saviour the one who was going to put me out of troubles the one who was going to give me love and passion,danger and violence,alcohol and rolled cigarettes,he was the one and I felt it,I could feel it from the very first time he turned himself against me staring me and making me feel melt,his stare,his lips,the prurient among the two of us,his prettify disturbing stare made me fall into his arms and want him to take me to...wherever home is for him. His bloodshot eyes made me want to getaway but they way they sparkled their blue were just like the sea at twilight's light and made me stay,I try to raise this information while I'm trying to fine the outer door because I really want to go outdoor,but It feels like I:m in a sort of trap I've been caught by this stanger who could be a powler,but his kindness and the way he fondled my back with precision and whit pleasure.Who really is this man?Should I stay?Will he be able to love me?.

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