From this point on the book will no longer be in a play format, for suspense and climax reasons :)
"Aeolus, I know it's been a week, but seriously... STOP. POKING. MY. FACE!" After he yells at his brother to stop with his unnecessary physical contact, Phaethon looks up to see the surprise plastered over his face.
"What?" He's suddenly pushed to the ground by his brother, giving him a stern expression, while staring deeply into his eyes.
"Who did this to you? Who are you, and how did you give Tyler his memory and ability to speak back?" He had his hands on his brother's wrists, pinning him to the floor with no escape. With no immediate answer coming from him, he shoved his hand in the dirt and brought it back up in a fist filled with some grass, baby pebbles, and obviously dirt. He waited a few more seconds eyeing him for an answer, then began to sprinkle the clumps of earth onto his face.
"Hey! cut it out you idiot! What do you want me to say huh!? I'm your brother that's the only real answer I have!" Before I actually began to choke on what I was hoping was just random dirt picked up off of the wood's ground, he stopped and looked to Athena.
"What'd you do to him? Did that bastard finally turn himself in?" He looked around then spotted Helios, getting up from the awkward straddling position he was in he marched towards him. "You piece of shit! Why the hell are you here?! This is all your fault, I'm calling Zeus!" In a split second everyone got their feet and pounced on Aeolus.
"Yeah!! For once I agree with my sister, he's here for a reason, calling Zeus would ruin everything for us!" Apollo agreeing with Athena? There's something you don't see everyday...maybe it's time for me to cut in.
But before I could, I saw Maia out of the corner of my eye start to drowsily get up from the ground. She rubbed her head, and began to sneeze out pollen. Gaia pauses at this, the flowers in her hair blooming even stronger, and brighter changing colors with every sneeze.
"Stop her from sneezing!" She shrieked as she started rummaging through her satchel for something. I looked back at Maia to see grass growing around her, with butterfly's and bees starting to swarm all over the place.
"I- ACHOO! I'm sorry, I don't -ACHOO- I'm not-ACHOO-" She continues to sneeze as The nature surrounding us begins to brighten, and grow. I look behind me to see Gaia on the ground, almost grasping for air. Eros runs to her side, only to be knocked down by her weeds, pulling him down in defense.
Well shit...if we can't get to Gaia I guess I'll just have to stop Maia...
I sprint up to Maia, using my wind powers to clear all dust and dirt surrounding her, and and reach my hand into the air, commanding the clouds to cry, making the remaining dry Earth muddy. The instant it begins to rain, Maia stops her sneezing and begins to cry.
Oh yeah...goddess of the Earth...
"Sorry Maia, I didn't want her to get hurt anymore..." She looks up and stops crying as the rain stops. Before I could check to see if they were both alright, the grass and plants around us began to go back to normal, as Aeolus walks up to Helios and Athena.
General Fiction"Sitting in the waiting room is a girl, around my age, with brown hair and blue eyes. I stared at her as Julia and I waltzed through the office. She was staring out the window daydreaming I suppose, because the receptionist had to call her name a fe...