Chaper 1✨

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"VOLTRON, DISBAND!" Shiro commanded over the intercom.

"Shit," Keith shouted, separating from Voltron and evading incoming fire.

The mission had started out quite uneventfully; in fact, the small planet was almost... eerily quiet. The team had come to liberate the people, enslaved by the Galra. But things had taken a turn for the worse when they were ambushed by the Galra fleet, and now they needed to disband to make themselves less of a target.

               "Hunk, Pidge: You take on the ground forces. Lance and Keith, you provide cover fire," Shiro barked out orders, and the team frantically rushed into their assigned tasks.

"What about you, Shiro? Not gonna let the rest of the team do all the work, are you?" Keith laughed, blasting away skillfully.

"Very Funny. I'm gonna go evacuate the people with the princess. Looks like things aren't gonna go as smoothly as we had hoped."

With that Shiro broke away from the team, heading towards the flaming city.

               "Keith, 3 o-clock!" Lance yelled over the intercom, but it was too late.

THUNK. Keith whipped his head around to find a hook attached to his lion. Attached to the other end of the hook was a Galra fighter, and it was towing him away from the team.

"Crap," Keith mumbled, shifting his lion away from the ship, attempting to pull free. The hook held fast, the Galra ship much larger than his lion and easily able to tow him away.

"Gonna have to try something else."

Keith maneuvered his lion in all different directions, the lion thrashing about in an attempt to dislodge the hook. Nothing seemed to be working. Keith glanced back to his team. Shit, he was already so far away.

               In a last desperate attempt to break free, Keith started firing at the Galra ship, blasts landing everywhere. The particle shield held fast, and Keith and his lion were dragged further and further away from the team.

"Uh, guys..." Keith inquired, "a little help?"

The team was busy shooting away, trapped by fire on all sides.

"Shit, Keith, try to hold on! We'll come back for you!" Hunk yelled, but all of the team were too engrossed in their own battles to come and save him right away.

               Suddenly, all of his controls went dark as a surge of electricity shocked his lion. Everything went black...

"Bring me the seed," a booming voice disrupted his thoughts.

It certainly wasn't human. There was something bestial about the voice; it was rough, primal even. Keith's eyes fluttered open, sharp pains running through his body. Ow, fuck. Where am I?

Finally coming to, Keith glanced around at his surroundings.

"A Galra ship?"

He thrashed his body about, finding himself unable to move. What the...? His arms and upper torso were held fast, chained with some sort of handcuffs to the ship floor. Panicked, he battered around some more, pulling wildly at the restraints.

               "It's no use. Those restraints have held far stronger beings than the likes of you," a Galra chuckled.

Keith followed the voice, finally spotting the huge purple Galra to his left. He must have stood seven feet tall, his body muscled and eyes of a deep red. Anger bubbled inside of him.

"What the hell do you want with me?" Keith snarled, anger clearly evident.

The big Galra said nothing, turning to his friend and grabbing something. The two exchanged a few unintelligible words before separating. Then the Galra's friend left the room, locking the doors behind him. Now it was just Keith and what looked like the Captain of the Galra.

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