Chapter 13✨

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It wasn't soon enough. Keith was struggling to keep up with the purple Galran child, and normally Lance was there to help him out. But Lance remained in the healing pod. Maybe the others had lied—his injury was more than just a simple laser burn. He needed Lance to wake up. He needed to tell him everything. He needed to tell him he loved him. Not in some weird maternal way, but in an I-want-to-spend-the-rest-of-my-life-with-you way.

Lance had helped him through it all: the pain at first, the delivery, the acceptance of the baby; and now Keith couldn't imagine a life without him. And while the thought sped the beating of his heart in his chest, deep down he was afraid. What if he didn't feel the same way? Keith never had anyone to rely on before, and he couldn't stand to lose the one that he finally had now.

Just as he thought this, Lance's eyes fluttered open.


The seal of the healing pod opened, and Lance stepped out, albeit wobbly.

"Keith, Buddy, are you okay?"

Keith cringed at the use of the word "buddy", but he chuckled beside himself.

"I should be asking you that. You took a hit for me back there. So uh—thanks."

Lance blinked at him stupidly for a moment, recollecting what had happened.

"SO-- how long was I out? And did you ever name that baby? Cause at this point Lance Junior sounds pretty good to me."

Keith laughed, a full belly-aching laugh that he'd forgotten he could do: typical Lance.

"I am so not naming him that," Keith laughed, setting a hand on Lance's shoulder casually.

Lance must have made the first move, because in one swift motion Keith was pulled chest to chest with Lance, their lips intertwined in a passionate clash of wills. Lance's hands framed Keith's face, keeping him there as his tongue snaked along his lower lip. Keith eagerly obliged, opening his mouth and allowing their tongues to gently intertwine. Finally Lance pulled away, and bright red blush spread across both their faces.

"I—Uh..." an awkward silence settled across the room.

Keith seemed just as unsure of what to say, running his hand through his hair.


Keith's gaze drifted upwards to meet Lance's eyes.

"I've uh... I've wanted to say this for a while now, but—"


Keith's yell echoed in the hollow room, startling Lance and shutting him up momentarily.

"I know what you're going to say," Keith said sadly, "but... I want to say something first."

Lance's expression searched Keith's to no amend; he couldn't predict what the boy would say. From the looks of things, he began to fear the worst. Oh no. I've overstepped my bounds, he doesn't like me. But then an evil grin crept across Keith's face.

"Lance," he started, clasping his shirt between his tightly knit fingers,"...I love you."

Lance stood in shock for several moments, and unable to form any coherent words, he pulled Keith in for another mind-shattering kiss. Lips met lips, tongues tickled and teased, the two completely lost in the pleasure of each other. When they finally separated, Lance locked eyes with Keith.

"I love you too, you jerk."

News of their relationship spread quickly, and once the initial teasing had subsided, everyone was supportive. After all, the baby already looked to Lance as some sort of father figure, so it made sense really.

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