Chapter 12✨

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If looks could kill the Galra standing before them would have been dead and buried eight feet under. The intruder was accompanied by two sentries, who at the moment had their weapons pointed straight at them. Not much of a good first impression.

Lance, Shiro, Pidge, and Hunk stood their ground, bayards drawn and ready to move into action at any second. But Keith stood, pale as a ghost, and stared into the eyes of the unwanted visitor. It was then that he knew. This was the man. This was the man that had raped him almost a year ago, impregnated him with his child, and now, the nerve of him, he stood in the castle, staring him down.

The large Galra put his hands up for show, his sentries lowering their weapons.

"Paladins," the grizzly voice said, "What a pleasure to see you all again."

The Galra turned to Keith, who was pale as a ghost, but he clutched his baby tightly to his chest.

"And I see the little one has been born."

The whole team turned to look at Keith, momentarily overtaken by shock. It was Shiro who lost it first.

"YOU! You were the one who did this!?? How dare you lay your hands on him. How dare—"

Allura held him back, motioning for him to quit speaking.

"I see," Allura said calmly, "this is your child?"

The Galra smiled, his sickeningly white incisors flashing before them.

"Indeed. He is a good size, looks healthy," the Galra took a step towards Keith, who stepped back in defense.

"What do you want from us?" It was Coran this time, stepping in front of Keith as well.

"I've come to take my child. He is destined to become prince, and it is obvious that he will need to be raised accordingly."

Keith let out a little squeak, clutching his child tightly and hiding behind Coran.

"That's not going to happen," Allura stated matter-of-factly, addressing the intruder directly.

Time stood still, it seemed, and no one would say for sure how or when shots began firing, but they did. Soon the entire room was being bombarded with firing lasers, and Keith had taken cover behind an upturned table.

Keith could hear the commotion from where he was sitting, huddled with his baby. He was struggling to breathe, and the purple baby sensed his mother's discomfort, responding with blood curdling screams. The roar of the lasers drowned most of it out, but Keith wouldn't have known the difference. His heart was flooded with panic at seeing the Galra again, and it sped so fast he began to feel light headed. Keith clenched his teeth.

He's back.

He inhaled sharply.

He's going to take him away.

Lasers continued to fire.

He's gonna take me away.

Thoughts raced through his head. Thoughts of being taken away by his rapist, forced to bear child again and again. All of his latent fears that had been hidden away were resurfacing, and oh God he couldn't breathe.

A little hand reached for Keith's mouth, startling him, but helping him return to reality. No matter what he had to protect his baby. Even if it meant to die trying. But he couldn't will his legs to move. It was all he could do to clutch the purple bundle tightly to his chest, eyes closed tight. The others were fighting now. They would save him. He had to trust in the team. Had to trust that they would protect him.

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