Chapter 3✨

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Lance approached Princess Allura worriedly, something obviously on his mind. He had listened to Keith moan in pain all night, and couldn't help but worry for him. Sure, they had hated each other in the beginning. But given the situation, he figured the guy deserved his sympathy at the least.

"Lance? What's the matter?"

He explained what he had heard the previous night, expressing his concern for Keith's welfare.

"Isn't there anything I," he blushed, correcting himself, "I mean we can do for him?"

Allura contorted her features, making a face expressing deep thought. She pressed a finger to her lips absently, trying to remember what sorts of things were done 10,000 years ago. Suddenly her features softened; clearly she had an idea.

"In the Altean times, male pregnancy only happened between bonded soulmates, both male. The significant other often performed special massages to relieve pain, helped the other to eat and bathe, and just generally looked out for the other's condition. It is said that the partner's love for the other transcended touch, soothing the body and relieving pain."

Lance lowered his eyebrows, looking at Allura unamused.

"Well there is a little problem, here, then. Keith doesn't have anyone like that. And it's not like any of us know how to perform those massages or whatever."

"Perhaps I could teach you," Allura said with a smile, "I think it would be a bit weird for me to do it."

Lance turned a deep red.

"And it wouldn't be weird for me to do it?!?"

Allura laughed.

"I think it would be better coming from you. Think of it as a bonding experience! But you must be careful. These massages utilize specific pressure points, and, done incorrectly, can cause temporary paralysis and pain."

Gee, sounds safe. Though he wasn't too fond of the idea, he did feel bad for Keith. If there was something he could do, he'd do it.

"...Okay," he said reluctantly.

"It'll take a couple of weeks to get the hang of it, but it is a good practice to know. The ones I'll show you are more directed towards pregnancy, but there are a variety of others as well. However, in order for some of the stronger pressure points to work, the two partners must trust completely in each other. Some of the pressure points are in sensitive places, but it is these that work the most powerfully. I'll show you the basics first, and you can work your way towards the more advanced ones later."

Sensitive... places? Oh fuck no, I'm not getting that intimate with Keith... But it may be beneficial to learn the basics, at least.

"Well then, let's get started!"

Allura seemed very excited to teach him these things. Perhaps it reminded her of the past. Either way, he wasn't sure he liked what he'd just gotten himself into.

               "You can practice on this dummy, here," she said nonchalantly.

Let the lessons begin.

               It was hard listening to Keith at night. Even through the walls, Lance could hear Keith groan in pain throughout the night. With every passing day it grew more frequent, and some of the others were beginning to notice.

"Keith, why are you so loud at night? I can never focus on my studies," Pidge asked, pushing her glasses back into place.

The entire team sat around the breakfast table, Keith finally joining them more consistently. In fact, his hunger had grown immensely, and though he was eating twice as much as usual, he never seemed to put on any weight.

Keith fumbled with his silverware, coughing to fill the silence. It was obvious he didn't want to talk about it, and no one was bold enough to press.

               Lance changed the subject.

"It's been rather quiet lately, hasn't it? Not much news about the Galra lately."

Thankful for the change in subject, Keith let out a little sigh, eyeing Lance thankfully. Luckily for him the conversation bait worked, and the issue was dropped altogether. But Lance was unsure how much longer they could withhold Keith's pregnancy. Sooner or later, it was going to become obvious.

               For the time being, however, Lance had committed himself to learning the Altean pressure point techniques, practicing in all of his free time. He was surprised no one had really noticed; though he was notorious for taking naps and disappearing for a few hours. Allura was impressed with his progress, telling him that the sooner he began to help Keith the better. Perhaps it would ease Keith's late night outbursts, and help everyone sleep more soundly, Keith especially.

There was only one problem, and that was how to go about initiating such a thing. Knowing Keith, he would most likely find that kind of physical contact disgusting, and suspicious. Though they were team mates, the two were known to bicker and fight constantly. Nothing serious, but it sure would be out of character for the two to just start sleeping in the same room all of a sudden. He didn't want the team to get the wrong idea. He was doing this out of obligation to Voltron, nothing more, and he certainly wasn't looking forward to it. Lance decided it would be best to practice a bit more, and wait a while longer.

That night, Lance hit the sheets early. Honestly, he had been practicing so much (instead of taking naps) and the fatigue was starting to catch up to him. Plus with Keith's outbursts at night, it had become harder and harder for him to sleep. The more he listened to Keith's pain, the guiltier he felt. He knew he could do something about it, but he was too afraid to do anything. So he decided to just keep practicing, but he knew before long there would be nothing left to practice; and meanwhile Keith's pain only grew worse and worse.

"Agh," Lance could hear Keith's voice through the wall separating their bedrooms.

"He must have had the same though as me, heading to bed early. Can't imagine he's been getting much sleep, though," Lance said to himself.

It was clear that Keith was suffering. He spent more and more time in his room, presumably to catch up on sleep. He still attempted to train every day, though his sessions had become shorter and shorter.

"Ung," Lance heard Keith cry out once more.

Lance glanced at the clock. It's only 9 PM. As he lay there, Lance listened to Keith. His voice was agonizing to listen to; he sounded so weak and frail, so unlike his usual self. His cries came out is short gasps of air, a short duration between each of them.


He knew it was time to do something. Reluctantly Lance stood, slipping on some pants to appear at least somewhat decent. He had a feeling heading over in only his boxers wouldn't end well. But for some reason, Lance's heart was beating wildly.

What is with me? Why am I so nervous? Thoughts were running through his mind at lightning speed.

What if he rejects me? What if he doesn't? What if I hurt him? What if someone sees us? Lance's heart sped even faster as he walked out into the hallway, pausing at Keith's door in hesitation. Pushing his disruptive thoughts away, he brought his shaking hand to the door. His hand froze, his fingers quivering slightly, before knocking quietly once. Nothing happened. With a bit more confidence he knocked again, this time with more force. The sound reverberated off of the metal walls, making a distinct metal clang that ought to have woken the entire castle. There was no doubt Keith heard him now. 

Lance waited for several moments, but Keith had gone dead silent. The continual moans had ceased, though after a long couple of seconds he heard a muffled groan through the door. He wasn't answering. Should I just... go in? Sure, it'd be an invasion of privacy; but it was for a good cause... right? Fuck it.

"Keith, its Lance. I'm coming in, so don't be naked."

Gathering his courage, he walked through the sliding doors.

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