Chapter 8✨

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Lance thought he was asleep. Keith had faked being asleep to avoid the awkwardness of both their conversation and Lance's close proximity. Something was weird, and Lance was acting really strange. Or at least more strange than usual. Keith had opened his eyes to find Lance staring at him. He stroked his hair, touched his lips, all in a sort of... sensual daze. Keith had remained frozen in place, unsure of what to do. It was Lance, of all people. He was the silly kid who always had some snide remark to direct at him, the guy who made sure that everyone on the ship knew that he was a whole inch taller than Keith just because. So when he awoke to find that very person gazing at him longingly, he panicked. If he hadn't spoken up, would Lance have done something... more?

A loud snore interrupted Keith's thoughts. Lance had fallen asleep beside him, his arm draped over Keith haphazardly. The warm skin of Lance's stomach lay flush against Keith's bare back. The warmth felt good. He hadn't realized it, but he couldn't remember the last time he was this close to somebody. Of course, it was Lance. He didn't really count. Regardless, Keith snuggled closer into Lance's heat, relishing the warmth and security he felt there.

It had been harder and harder for Keith to fall asleep lately. Sure, the pain was bad. Excruciating, even. But he couldn't keep his mind from wandering back to that day; what could he have done differently? How could he have avoided it? He shuddered at the thought. Stop it, brain! I don't want to remember! But it was as if his brain had a will of its own, bringing back the memories he has tried so hard to forget. The capture, the Galra Captain, the--- rape. I was raped. Keith whimpered unconsciously, curling himself up as much as possible despite the arm around his body. Keith clutched the bed sheets tightly, clenching his teeth and squeezing his eyes shut tight. Stop. Make it stop. Please...

Keith's thoughts were interrupted suddenly as the arm around him pulled him in closer, Lance resting his chin atop Keith's head. He could hear Lance's soft breathing clearly, and in his close proximity he could hear the other man's heart beat steadily in his chest. The rhythm was mesmerizing, consuming any thoughts he was having and replacing them with those that were utterly filled with him. With Lance, the guy who was supposed to be his rival, but due to some twisted change of fate ended up occupying the same bed. Lance, that goofy kid who found any and every opportunity to be annoying, yet strangely charming.

All he needed was someone to share the burden with him. Keith's mind had turned into a prison, and for some reason Lance held the key. And that stupid idiot hadn't realized it yet.

After a surprisingly restful night of sleep, Keith awoke to an empty bed. He wasn't sure when, but Lance must have left sometime throughout the night. It was actually kind of disappointing.

"Wait... what?"

Sure, maybe it would have been nice to wake up in someone's arms. After all, that was a natural human instinct, right? After so many days spent alone out in the desert (where let's face it—chances of any human contact were slim to none) you learned to relish another person's company. And there was something unnerving about the fact that when he finally had it, it suddenly just... disappeared.

It surely had nothing to do with Lance himself. Any person would do. It's instinct.

"What... What is that?" Keith gasped suddenly.

His stomach just... moved. Hesitantly he brought his hands to his bare stomach, resting them there gingerly. The baby was kicking him. From the inside.

"What's that little fucker doing in there? Geez," Keith mumbled to himself.

The sensation itself was weird. It wasn't painful, but each kick caught him by surprise. There was a little being inside him, thrashing around on its own accord. Maybe in some other circumstance this would be a really cool moment, but the knowledge that the baby inside of him had a will of his/her own was somewhat... terrifying.

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