Chapter 4✨

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The sight of the crumpled body on the bed was sickening. Keith lay in his bed, the sheets drawn around him loosely and his head propped up by a crumpled pillow. Keith was facing the wall adjacent to the bed, his back turned towards lance. His hair was damp with sweat, his skin a sickly white. Lance watched his chest rise and fall heavily, as if he was struggling to breathe. Finally Keith turned his head, his tired eyes meeting Lance's.


His voice was meek, so unlike his usual self. A pain formed in Lance's chest as he looked at the frail figure before him. How could I have waited so long? Lance's eyes watered, feeling guilty that he had not done anything sooner. What's done is done, but he was surely going to make up for it now. Lance approached Keith's bed tentatively, finally sitting on the corner of the mattress.

He couldn't make eye contact. Seeing the pain in Keith's face nearly made his heart stop, tears threatening to flow.

"Hey, Keith."

He didn't know where to even begin. Hey Keith let me perform this Altean ritual to soothe your pain! Yeah, that'd surely work. Keith's head grew weary, holding it at such an angle as to view Lance, so he finally turned and rested his head on the pillow once more. His respirations were shallow, his chest shuddering with each breath.

Lance decided not to say anything else, and instead just do it. Maybe the relief will speak for itself, and Keith won't hate him. Hopefully. Sighing, Lance scooted Keith over to the far side of the bed, crawling in next to him and pushing down the sheets to reveal Keith's bare torso. So he sleeps in his boxers...With only his lower abdomen covered, Keith's physique was shown off nicely. His back was well muscled, though quite bony, and small for a guy. His skin was a pale white, and it was covered in small rivulets of sweat. He's actually kind of... sexy.

WOAH WOAH WOAH WHAT? Keith shook his head, clearing his head from the weird thoughts. Keith? Sexy? How stupid.

"Dude, what the hell?" Keith tried to wiggle away, but the effort proved to be too much.

"Get away from me! What do you think you're doing!?"

Lance ignored him, placing his hands on the small of Keith's back. Keith jumped, reaching behind him to grab Lance's hand. Keith's hand gripped Lance's arm tightly, as if daring him to try anything more. But in his weakened state there was not much he could do about it. In all reality, Lance could probably get away with doing anything he wanted. Memories of the night he was raped raced through his head, and his heartbeat quickened as he recalled the Galra's rough hands. Lance isn't going to... try anything, right? Keith's thoughts must be irrational, Lance would never do something like that. But with the memories resurfacing, he just couldn't think straight. He was scared.

"Stop it, Lance!"

Lance just continued, moving his other hand to Keith's hip, just as Allura had showed him. Keith's entire body stiffened, recoiling against Lance's cool hands.

"Get off of me you homo!" Keith yelled, an intense fear setting in.

Lance massaged his fingers in a circular motion, with each motion pushing deeper and deeper into the muscle. All at once Keith fell still, his body relaxing completely.

"Thank God," Lance thought to himself.

Keith kept his tight grip on Lance's wrist, his knuckles turning white. But he had stopped resisting, allowing Lance to massage him.

"What," Keith started, "Did you do?"

He breathed the words out breathlessly, almost unable to speak.

               "Shhh. I'll make the pain go away."

Keith relaxed into Lance's touch, arching his back a bit. Keith must have felt good, as he had gone silent, his breathing becoming more and more regular. After a while of this Lance leaned over, catching a glimpse of Keith's face. He was dead asleep, with a look of complete peace on his face. The wrinkle in his brow had relaxed, his lips no longer pursed. He looked simply angelic, lying there in a state of near bliss. It had probably been a while since Keith was able to sleep so soundly. Lance brushed Keith's black hair behind his ear, easing himself off of the bed as quietly as possible, so as to not wake him.

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