Chaper 2✨

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A couple of weeks had passed since everything had happened, and things had settled back into the normal routine once again. The team had gone on a couple of missions, and nothing much had happened. Everyone seemed to be in high spirits, and even Coran had been worrying less lately.

The team started to hang up their armor, returning yet again from another successful mission. Keith felt a bit strange, a pain radiating from his stomach, pulsing madly all throughout the mission. He had wrote it off to nerves, or perhaps a lack of sleep, but now as he stood here the pains grew worse. He hunched forward a little, trying to be subtle as to not worry the other team members.

"I'm gonna go work on some upgrades for the lions with Hunk," Pidge announced, the two taking their leave.

"I'm heading up to the training deck," Lance started, "Keith, you coming with me?"

I can't possibly train in this condition. Maybe I need to rest a little more. Surely with some sleep this pain will subside.

"Uh, I'll pass. I'm a little tired," Keith offered.

Shiro glanced a questioning look over at him, Lance raising his eyebrow suspiciously.

"Uh... Okay," Lance said, jogging out of the room.

Keith started to head for his room, but was startled by a hand on his shoulder.


"Hey, Keith, Seriously. If there's something bothering you, let me know. It might be best not to push yourself too hard just yet," Shiro instructed.

"Uh, yeah. Really, I'm just a bit tired. Haven't been sleeping well lately."

Shiro nodded in understanding, allowing Keith to return to his room.

The team gathered for dinner at their normal hour, but Keith was still in his room. It had been a couple of hours since they had returned from their mission, and Lance was growing quite worried. (Not that he would ever admit it)

"I'm concerned about Keith," Lance stated, "He hasn't been himself lately. He's training less, he's been having trouble focusing, and he hardly eats anymore. I mean he hardly did before, but now it's even worse."

Princess Allura nodded her head in agreement.

"I do so agree. I have felt for a while now that Keith has been distant ever since that incident."

Pidge spoke up.

"Sometimes, I hear him scream in the middle of the night. I think there's something more to that incident than he is telling us."

"But why would he want to hide anything from us?" Shiro inquired, questioning as to why Keith would feel the need to hide anything from the team.

Their conversation was cut short as Keith plodded into the room, yawning tiredly before taking his seat. Everyone eyed him carefully, aware that something wasn't right.

"How about some food?" Shiro offered, rising from his seat.

"Uh, no thanks. My stomach has been hurting me lately. Just haven't had an appetite lately."

Princess Allura grew more concerned, "Keith, sicknesses from Earth do not exist in space. Perhaps if you describe your symptoms I could attempt to diagnose you with something native of space? After all, the ship carries adequate medicine for most space-borne illnesses."

Keith smiled at Allura, nodding.

"Yeah sure, I guess. Lately I've been having this pain in my stomach—"

Allura interrupted, "Could you be more specific as to where the pain is felt?"

Keith motioned to his abdomen, explaining that the pain was lower than his stomach.

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