Chapter 7✨

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Lance didn't want to move. He looked down at Keith's dainty frame huddled next to him; Keith's back was pressed up against his stomach, the poor thing immersed in an exhaustive sleep. Keith's small hands were clasped around the bed sheets loosely, his chest rising and falling in rhythmic breaths. The paleness of his bare back practically illuminated the pitch black room, and Lance wasn't ever going to admit that he noticed.

Keith can be a pain in the ass sometimes, but with the trouble of this entire ordeal his personality had... mellowed a bit. Lance had never seen a man so filled with pride look so fragile before. It gave him a sickening feeling in the pit of his stomach. But at the same time, he had never felt closer to him: both physically and mentally. In fact, he hadn't been able to get Keith off his mind lately. Had Keith eaten? Was Keith in pain? Did Keith get enough sleep? Lance felt like a doting parent. No. That's not quite right. He felt like... a partner?

"AGH!" Lance silent screamed, practically jumping off the bed.

It was nothing like that. Keith just needed someone to help him through a rough time. And out in space, Lance was the only option. Right?


Lance kicked his door frame as he entered his room. Surely he was just overtired. And maybe... confused? Keith had never been so needy before, or nice for that matter. It's like the Keith he once knew was gone, and in his place was an entirely new person. A person who relied on him, needed him. Lance sat down on his bed, running his hands through his hair in frustration. Now that he thought about it, Keith kinda was like a partner. He brought him food, he had shared the same bed... but he certainly wasn't attracted to him. No way.

How could anyone possibly like his jet black hair that he'd pull into a cute little pony tail whenever he trained? And no one could be attracted to a guy with skin as pale as porcelain, a frame so delicate you could wrap your entire arms around him easily; with muscles so hard that you couldn't ever deny he was male; yet something strangely alluring about his long eyelashes that fluttered closed when near the throes of sleep. There's no way Lance could ever be attracted to someone like that. After all, he was Keith. The Keith that angered easily, the Keith who curls his lips into a little pout whenever he doesn't get what he wants.

"Fuck," Lance mumbled, throwing himself down onto the mattress.

Who was he kidding? Keith was extremely attractive and he knew it. Why else would he have been so flustered whenever he was forced into close proximity with him? Just minutes ago he even got... Lance cringed...hard. Like, dangerously hard. Lance knew Keith was only acting the wat he was due to circumstances, and yet he also felt like he'd been able to witness a side of Keith he'd never seen before. A side of Keith that was delicate, kind, and even needy. A side of Keith he knew no one had ever seen before. Why had Keith chosen to let Lance, of all people, see it? It couldn't be that Keith liked him. No. It was just the pregnancy. They were both victims of circumstance.

Even if that was the case, it doesn't change the fact that Lance had been able to see that side of Keith. And it doesn't change the fact that Lance had grown to like him in a different way because of that. Keith. Keith with his stupid smile and mesmerizing purple eyes. Keith with those slender arms and prominent hip bones that stuck out cutely. His little hands, which he often clasped tight just like a child. Lance's thoughts were overwhelmed with him. His body, his smile, his vulnerability.

He hadn't noticed his state until it was too late. Heat rushed to his hips, and now Lance was keenly aware of the hardness between his legs. His pants were too tight... too tight. He slid them down over his hips, just enough to free himself from the pressure. No one was awake now. He could masturbate without fear of being caught. Fuck it.

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