Chapter 5✨

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"Attention Paladins. Please report to the training hall. I repeat: all paladins to the training hall."

Allura's voice rang out over the intercom, rousing Keith from a deep sleep. Shit, it's too late for this. Reluctantly he rolled out of bed, stiff from the lack of movement. He had been wanting to head to bed early, and thus he was already showered and in his boxers ready to sleep. So much for an early night. Keith pulled on his pants and a t-shirt, yawning as he headed down the hallway towards the training hall.

Luckily the other paladins looked just as tired as he was; Hunk was even in his star wars footsy pajamas. It was quite the sight.

Seeing everyone had assembled, Allura began her interrogat—speech.

"Paladins, I'm sure you all know why I've called you here tonight."

Lance yawned obnoxiously, "Why? I have no idea man. I just wanna get back to sleep."

"Don't be such an ass, Lance. Maybe if you could actually pay attention for once we could get this over with quicker," Keith spat out, clearly angry.

Lance looked at Keith challengingly, raising his eyebrows as a threat.

"The Fuck, dude. I didn't even do anything!"

Keith snorted. "Maybe that's the fucking problem."

Lance's face was red by now, the anger obvious on his face.

"This," Allura gestured to Lance and Keith, "is the problem."

The two looked up to Allura in confusion, quickly abandoning their trivial argument.

"Lance, Keith, this is a team intervention. I don't know what has been going in with you two lately, but whatever it is it ends now. No one is leaving until this is resolved."

"Fuck that, I'm outta here. I don't have time for this," Lance made for the door, which locked suddenly as soon as he got close.

Allura eyed Coran, who was up on the observation deck. He shot her a thumbs up, indicating that he had been the one to lock the doors. Allura grinned amusedly at him before returning to the issue at hand.

"Lance, get back here," Shiro scolded.

Lance jimmied with the door for a few seconds, trying to find some way of escape. Finding none, he sighed heavily, returning to the group with his arms folded defiantly across his chest.

Shiro took over from there. His authority was unquestioned: no one dared defy him.

"Alright Keith. Speak up. What's going on?"

Keith's face turned pale as a ghost as his gaze settled on the floor.

"I already told you, Shiro. Nothings up."

Lance, still clearly angry, laughed at this.

"Bullshit, dude. You've been avoiding me all week."

It was Keith's turn to get angry now, "I've been avoiding been avoiding you? Are you kidding me? Anytime we are even in the same room you leave! You can't even look me in the eye!"

Lance was furious beyond coherent thought.


At that the room grew silent. Lance should have read the atmosphere. He should have stopped there. But the anger bubbling inside of him threatened to overflow, and seeking relief he let it burst forth.

"You and your cocky ass just had to go and get yourself pregnant so that I could wait on you hand and foot anytime you get a little back ache. Well boohoo, it's not my fault we're in this mess."

Keith froze in place, his eyes wide. He was pale as a ghost before, but now it seemed as if he had no color at all. He stood unmoving like a corpse, staring at Lance in shock.

"Oh, hahaha Lance. You're funny," Pidge laughed earnestly, Hunk doing the same beside her.

Shiro turned his head to look at Keith, who looked near death.

"What's this about pregnancy?" Shiro questioned, looking to Allura for an explanation.

Keith was crying now, which shocked everyone in the room. Allura shot a deathly glare at Lance, grabbing Keith's shoulder and leading him to the door. She motioned for Coran to open the door, and the two of them left the room.

"What... just happened?" Pidge questioned.

Soon after Coran appeared at the door.

"Paladins. There is something you should know."


"Keith is WHAT?" Pidge just about yelled.

The entire group flinched at her shrill voice, but they all inevitably wanted to ask the same question. Shiro was studying Coran's face inquisitively, listening as he spoke, however Hunk and Pidge seemed to be off somewhere else, often glancing at each other in horror. Then there was Lance. He had frozen up entirely, as if made from stone, and had yet to say anything. It seemed Coran had finished speaking. Why is everyone staring at me in silence?

Lance finally appeared to have come to reality, eyeing the group warily.

"Ok, ok... So Keith is pregnant. What I don't get is how he," Pidge gestured to Lance, "has anything to do with this."

She made a good point. How in the world was he supposed to explain himself out of this one?

"Dude, how did you know? And why didn't you tell anybody?" Hunk spoke.

Lance stuttered, struggling to find the right words to say. He didn't want to admit that he had been the first one to notice that something was wrong. And he certainly wasn't about to tell them about his new certain... Err... skill set.

Finally he broke the silence.

"I just happened to be in the room when it was all found out. That's all."

Lance was fidgeting uncomfortable, looking anywhere and everywhere except for his teammates. None seemed too convinced. But then Coran nodded in agreement, vouching for his explanation. His answer seemed to tide them over for now, but he knew there would be more and more questions to come.

After a few more minutes of awkward chatter the group left. All returned to their rooms, probably struggling to take it all in. Except maybe for Lance. He had returned to his quarters, slumping himself down on the floor angrily. He made himself comfortable by leaning up against the bed, throwing his head back to stare at the ceiling. He'd sure messed up this time.

Truth be told he had no idea why Keith was angry with him in the first place. Sure, after the fact things had become somewhat awkward... But that was to be expected, he thought. He had spent the entire week recounting his actions in his head, searching in vain for something big enough to warrant this kind of anger towards himself. But now he had gone and slipped his tongue. Keith surely had something to be angry about now.


Lance face palmed, sinking lower to the floor. He needed to fix all of this. Now of all times Keith needed someone to be there for him. Sure, Keith had lived most of his life in solidarity. He made it clear that he relied upon no one. But even Allura had said that during a time like this a partner (or in Lance's case, just some healing hands) is the best medicine. And deep down, he knew that once her heard Keith in pain again, he wouldn't be able to do anything if Keith wouldn't let him touch him. Its obvious Keith needs somebody.

"Even if it isn't me," Lance's stomach fell.

Even if it isn't me.

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