Chapter 6✨

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Lance wasn't sure why his stomach fell at those words.

Even if it isn't me.

Certainly it shouldn't matter who the one helping Keith out is. So long as he wasn't in pain, was eating properly, and the like, who cares?

So why did he care?

"Uungh," Lance groaned, frustrated for thinking these things.

He couldn't make sense of his feelings, and after a long while pondering the day's events, he gave up even trying. Surely it was just some weird maternal space instinct that he had, after all in space – he had learned – almost anything is possible.

The next morning arrived way too quickly. The events of the night previous still lingered in everyone's minds, evident by the painful silence settling over the breakfast table. Everyone had come to breakfast, as usual, but one seat was blaringly vacant. Lance wasn't surprised. If he were in Keith's shoes, he'd probably hide out for the rest of eternity. The entire morning carried on in silence, no one (not even the sarcastic Pidge) saying a word to anyone.

What did I do? Lance thought to himself, rubbing his temples. He hated to admit it, but this was his fault. Probably. Lance shook his head, trying to focus on the training drone in front of him. Behind him.


Lance found himself falling onto his ass, catching his fall with his elbows. Maybe training right now isn't the best idea. With a sigh he ended the training session, trudging to the shower. Hopefully the warm water could soothe his conscious, even if only a little.

He made it to the public shower doors, pressing the button for the doors to slide open. He slung a towel over his shoulder, preparing to walk in when he was stopped in his tracks. From the spot he was standing he heard a muffled noise, followed by a sniff that was undeniably Keith's.

"Shit. Now? Of all times?" Lance muttered under his breath, crouching to avoid being seen.

Why was he hiding? He had just as much of a right to be in this shower as Keith did. But something nagging at his insides told him to stay hidden, and not to interrupt this intimate moment.

Lance crawled around the corner a bit, peeking around it silently. The pale figure sat huddled in the corner of the shower stall, his knees hugged tightly to his chest. His body shook heavily as he cried, and Lance noticed the deep redness of his eyes. The entire room was filled with steam, and judging from the bright red splotches on Keith's skin left by the hot water, he had been in here a while.

Lance's heart just about flipped over in his chest. He felt guilty. Nobody should have to go through what Keith was. And no one should have to do it alone. With all this in mind, though, he still couldn't bring himself to get any closer to the huddled figure. Lance peered back around the corner for another look. Keith's long black hair clung to the frame of his face, snaking its way across his gaunt cheekbones.

Now that he noticed it, Keith looked a lot thinner than usual. The bones of his wrist stuck out greatly, and even his ribs were prominent. It was no wonder, what with all of the meals he had been missing. But there was something that was plump about him. Keith's abdomen was a bit distended, a round hump forming about his hips. How hadn't he noticed? Lance shivered.

In his defense Keith hadn't been out much lately. He had almost all but quit his daily training sessions, and he rarely (if ever) made it to the table for meals. But even so, how could he have been so oblivious? Lance silently cursed himself, slamming his fist against the wall. The action made a loud noise, reverberating off of the shower walls. All at once Keith looked up, scanning the room for anybody.

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