Chapter 11✨

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"Are you crazy?"

Lance could hardly believe what he was hearing.

"Give him to the Galra? The enemy? Who knows what they'd do with him. You are his mother he needs you, Keith!"

Keith scrunched his face into an angry expression, standing suddenly and facing Lance.

"Just look at him!" Keith yelled, "He's one of them! I don't know how to raise a child, let alone a GALRAN CHILD! He'd be better off with people who knew what they were doing!"

Keith sighed dejectedly, sliding down the wall to the floor and burying his face in his hands.

"And that person isn't me."

Lance eyed Keith's slumped figure curiously. Sure, he got what he was saying. It would be hard to raise the child of, Lance gulped, your rapist. But he gave birth to this baby, right? That makes him a mother, whether he liked it or not.

"Keith," Lance said soothingly, settling down next to him once more.

"You may not know what you are doing, but you are this baby's only chance at survival. He needs you Keith."

Lance could hear Keith's sniffles next to him, but he knew these things needed to be said. Lance stood abruptly, drawing Keith's attention out from under his knees that had been tucked to his chest. Lance scooped the baby from the cradle before making his way back to Keith.

"Hold him."

Keith looked up.

"Hold him, Keith. Hold your baby."

Lance didn't give him much of a choice, as soon the baby was being set in his lap and Keith had to wrap his arms around him to prevent him from falling to the floor. Keith stared down at the creature in his arms. His skin may be purple, but it had the same feel as his own. He looked surprisingly similar to a human baby, though Keith had very little experience with those either, save for the big fuzzy ears that lay flat back against his head.

Oh no. He hates me. I knew this would happen he hates—Keith's thoughts were interrupted as the baby nuzzled into his chest, pressing his mouth to where he knew to instinctually.

"Oh," Keith said, startled. "I think... I think he wants to nurse."

Sure enough the bundle in his arms had his mouth against Keith's chest, sucking the material of his shirt.

"Then let him," Lance stated flatly.

Keith looked to Lance for direction, but was met with an unamused stare.

"I'm not sure I... do that? Allura didn't say anything about producing milk."

Lance chuckled.

"Dude, look at your chest."

Keith was afraid to look, but sure enough there were two small swells on his chest, not nearly as large as a woman's breasts but still clearly there. In fact, a small wet spot had stained his t-shirt from where he was leaking out.

"Lance," Keith's meek voice caught his attention.

"I'm scared."

Were those tears in his eyes? Nope, no way. Lance McClain has never cried in front of anybody before, nope those were definitely not tears.

Lance attempted to hide his emotional state, sighing and taking the baby from Keith.

"Shirt off."

Keith looked at him in confusion.


"Shirt," Lance motioned towards him with his chin, "get it off."

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