Neon Lights Out

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I'm sitting alone. Alone because my best mates aren't with me. Where are Jay and Carlos?

"What's up?" Freddie holds my hand.

"Waiting for my boyfriend and my best mate." I sigh.

"I thought Mal and Evie were your best mates."

"Carlos means more to me than them and Jay is my boyfriend so I care about him more than anything. Don't tell them I said that."

"I won't." She walks away. I look across the room to see Jay and Carlos. I run up to them and I hug Jay.

"Hey, pumpkin." Jay kisses me. We part and I wrap my arms around his neck and I lace my fingers behind his neck. He wraps an arm around my waist.

"Hi, guys. Thanks for picking us up...three hours ago." Mal says sarcastically.

"We didn't pick you up." Jay says.

"I was being sarcastic."

"I didn't even get that! Living in Auradon is really messing with me."

"Yeah. Where were you, guys?"

"We got carpet jacked!"

"What? That doesn't happen in Auradon!" Jordan looks confused.

"Apparently, it does." Carlos looks at me.

"What?" I say.

"Did you do it?" He asks me.

"Why would I steal something from my boyfriend?" I lean into Jay.

"We were really worried about you, guys." Ben says.

"I wasn't. Sorry. Too honest?" At least Allie's honest.

"What happened? You look rough." The boys look at their clothes. "I mean, even more than you usually do." Audrey looks at their clothes.

"I didn't have the chance to pick up my tux. And it was awesome. White with giant black Dalmatian spots. I was gonna look dog-mazing." Carlos smiles.

"What abou you handsome?" I smirk at Jay.

"I don't have one." He leans up to my ear. "At least I'm here for the treat I promised you." I blush.

"That is a tragedy." Audrey gasps.

"I know, right?" Carlos

"Uh, I was talking about the tux." Audrey is such a princess...that's if princesses were devils.

"She's kinda right. Not having to see you in that tux is worth the carpet getting stolen." Jay punches Carlos's shoulder.

"I know. Good one." Carlos rubs his shoulder. Jay wraps his arm back around my waist.

"So who did it?" Mal asks.

"I don't know! We were getting ready to head out and the rug was pulled from underneath our feet! Literally!" That joke drum sound plays. We all look at Lonnie.

"Seemed fitting." Lonnie smiles.

"So, you never saw who did it?" Jordan asks.

"Hey! Isn't that the mascot?" Jay looks at the knight suit.

"Oh, good. Jane found it." Allie smiles.

"Found what?" Jane walks up to us.

"Jane?" Me and Mal say.

"That's me." Jane smiles.

"You're not in the mascot uniform!" Evie is now Captain Obvious.

"Uh, yeah. 'Cause this is a formal night. And besides, how could I be in my mascot uniform? It was stolen, remember?" I remember.

"But if you're not in it, then who is?" Allie asks. How are we suppose to know?

"Guys, it's okay! I'm sure there's an explanation for why-" The lights go out. I can't see out of one eye and this isn't helping. "What? Hey, let me go!"

"Ben?" The lights come back on. Mal looks around us. "Where did he go?" We start to search for him. Everyone, but me and the boys. "Ben? Ben! Ben!"

"We need search music." Lonnie plays some music. I chuckle.

"Ben!" Mal turns around. "Whoa. Does the concept "divide & conquer" not exist here in Auradon?"

"I don't understand. How can he just disappear?" We don't know, Audrey!

"I don't know." Thank you, Mal.

"Did you do this?"


"Why would you even ask that?" Evie asks.

"Well, Ben did magically disappear and Mal does have magic, so..." Allie trails off.

"So what?" Mal asks.

"So you could have done this."

"Why would I make my boyfriend disappear?"

"Maybe it's part of your plot." What plot, Jordan?

"My plot?" Mal is loosing her temper.

"Oh, you know. To take over Auradon and other evil things." That plan failed. We chose good and me, Mal, Evie and Carlos chose love.

"And why would I do that?" Mal asked.

"Because you're VK." Audrey is such a racist.

"I turned my mom into a gecko for you, people. What else do I have to do to prove myself?" Mal shouts.

CJ Hook swings onto the stage. "Hi! Sorry to interrupt. No, I'm not."

"CJ." Mal steps forwards.

"Hey, Malsie. Miss me? Oh, I was going to give up dramatic entrances. So flashy. But...what can I say? I'm hooked." Me and CJ laugh.

"I don't understand what's going on, but here's some pirate music." Lonnie plays some music.

"Let me get this straight, you guys know each other?" Jordan asks Mal.

"CJ's captain Hook's daughter." Evie explains.

"And my old best mate!" I call.

"Oh. Well, that does explain the seaweed stench." Jordan looks at CJ.

"That's rotting kelp!" CJ corrects Jordan.

"Great! Another VK." Audrey scoffs.

Lonnie plays some music. "Okay, I'll stop."

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