The Jungle Part Four

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"Man-cub?" I look up to see a bear and a panther. "Ish."

"Go away. I want some privacy." I wipe away the snot from my nose.

"What's wrong?" The bear sits down next to me.

"You won't understand." I sniffle.

"We can try." The panther sits down in front of me.

"Well, I'm a teenager from a island called the Isle of the Lost. I have friends and a boyfriend and our school, Auradon Prep, is taking a weeks field trip here. Everyone bullies me for who I am and my papa got tired of it so he pounced onto one of the bullies. Everyone was pointing at me with disgust and shock so I ran away." I explain.

"Who's your papa?" The bear asks.

"Shere Khan." I reply.

"Shere Khan has a daughter?" The bear gasps.

"I'm adopted and he loves me very much." I start to cry again.

"Come. It's not safe here." The panthers stands up so I do the same. He starts to lead me and the bear somewhere.

"What's your name, young man-cub?" The bear asks.

"Shayla Wicked Khan." I smile.

"I'm Baloo. That's Bagheera. Do you know my daughter, Blueberry, and Bagheera's son, Brendan?" Baloo asks.

"I do. They're nice to me sometimes. They're bullies too." I growl.

"How much of the Jungle do you know?" Bagheera looks at me.

"A lot. I know all of the laws and I love this Jungle." I twirl. "Where are you taking me?"

"To the wolves. Raksha is a good friend of mine." Bagheera's eats prick up. So do mine. "Stay down." I do as he says. I hear faint shouting.

"Shay! Kitten! Bengal! Tiger! Stripes!" My friends shout.

"Take me away." I tell Bagheera. Baloo lets me hop onto his back and we run to the wolf pack.

"Bagheera!" A white wolf runs up to him.

"Hello, Raksha." Bagheera motions for me to introduce myself.

"I'm Shayla Khan." I slide down Baloo's back.

"You do look a bit like Shere Khan." Raksha inspects me. "What do you need, Bagheera?" She looks at Bagheera.

"Keep her safe until some other man-cubs come." Bagheera climbs up a tree. Raksha brings me to her little spot since she's the leader.

"Let's recite the law of the Jungle!" She shouts. All of the other wolves recite it with us.

"NOW this is the law of the jungle, as old and as true as the sky, and the wolf that shall keep it may prosper, but the wolf that shall break it must die. As the creeper that girdles the tree trunk, the law runneth forward and back; for the strength of the pack is the wolf, and the strength of the wolf is the pack." And they all howl before dispersing.

"You are very pretty for a man-cub." Raksha lies down.

"Thank you. You are so beautiful for a wolf." I stroke her side for a second.

"Why, thank you." Raksha smiles at me. "Why are you here?"

"I ran away from my friends and my papa. I get bullied at school for being me." I sigh. "I do miss my boyfriend."

"Your boyfriend?" Raksha questions.

"His name is Jay and he's the greatest person I have ever met." I smile.

"Where do you live?" Raksha tilts her head to one side.

"Auradon. I lived on the Isle of the Lost for the first sixteen years of my life. I loved it there!" I sit down.

"Kitten!" Jay calls. I look around me until I see him with the others. Wolves start surrounding them. I stand up and I run to him.

"Jay-Jay!" I push through the crowd and I hug him. He squeezes me back.

"Babe, why did you do that? Your dad is worried sick about you. Are you hurt? Has anything touched you?" Jay grabs my face with both of his hands.

"Pudding, I'm fine." I smile and hug him again. "I'm so sorry I ran away." I hug the others. "I was so angry at my papa and I didn't want anyone seeing me cry."

"Don't scare us again." Mal smacks me.

"You really make us worry." Evie hugs me tightly.

"Come on. Everyone is regretting the bullying." Carlos holds my hand.

"One second." I walk over to Baloo and Bagheera in a tree. "Baloo! Bagheera!" They climb down. "Do you want to see your children?"

"Yes!" Baloo shouts. Bagheera nods.

"Let's go." I lead them to my friends and we walk through the Jungle to camp.

"Fairy Godmother, we've found her!" Jay shouts. Fairy Godmother walks up to me.

"Are you ok, darling?" She asks me.

"I'm fine." I look at Baloo and Bagheera. "Baloo and Bagheera want to see their children."

"Daddy!" Blueberry hugs Baloo.

"Dad!" Brendan hugs Bagheera. Papa runs up to me.

"Papa!" I open my arms and he jumps up at me. We hug and he licks my cheek. "Don't pounce on anyone again!" I cry. Jay hugs me from behind.

"All I care about is my kitten's safety." He spins me around so I'm facing him.

"And all I care about is you and only you. I care about you and everything about my pudding." I hug him. Jay kisses my cheek and hugs me back.

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