6 - management

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Maybe I overreacted when I slapped him and started to cry. Maybe I did, but I don't want people to know who I am. I don't want to be in public with him in that way. And I don't want Caleb up my ass like I know I would if he found out about me and Harry. And I hope he hasn't seen the papers and been like anywhere on the internet. I turned around in my bed and sighed at the alarm going of on my phone. And I was a little bit afraid of how much things would be on my phone when I looked at it but I knew I had to wake up. And I had to go to work, where tons of people would see me, and these people have seen pictures of me having sex with boyband superstar Harry Styles. Which they probably already have. I scrolled through the notifications on my phone and noticed a few new followers on twitter and a couple of new requests on Instagram. I also had a missed call from my mother, which surprised me. She never called if there wasn't anything wrong or she needed someone to look after her house when she traveled. Me and my mum had a very special relationship, she has always loved her job, she loved her job more then she loved me and my older brother. I ignored her missed call and got out of bed and in to the shower. After that I blow dried my hair and let my natural curls be. I put on some mascara and some lipgloss and did my brows. Then I put on some plain black dress pants and a loose white t-shirt and black sneakers. I took my jacket and purse and went outside to go get my car that was parked outside my building. When I came down to the lobby I could see a lot of paparazzi outside, and I was confused why they were here until I realised that they started to take pictures when they saw me. They weren't that many so I knew I could just walk past them, so I did.

"What's your name?"
"Are you dating harry styles"
"How did you get the heartbreaker to fall for you"

They shouted a million questions and I ignored them. I just got in the car and drove away as fast as I could. And I knew I had too call Harry so they would be gone when I got home from work. And he picked up in a few seconds.

"Ellie, finally, I have been calling you like twenty times since yesterday" I sighed and heard how frustrated he sounded.

"Well I'm not calling for make up sex harry, I'm calling because there is a lot of paparazzi outside my building and they need to be gone when I get back from work" I could hear him sigh.

"Yeah, of course. Eh I will call security and they will get them out of there"

"Good" I said and I was just about to hang up when he said my name.

"Ellie, I uhm, my management want us to come in for a meeting and they want me to bring you. And I will explain everything to them and then everything is going to be as usual again" I sighed and shook my head and laughed a little bit. 

"Okay, one meeting harry, and that meeting is going to be the last time you'll see me. Because I don't want to be in that world harry" 

"Fine, I'll pick you up at 7" he said and then hung up. I parked my car and went inside of the mall I work in. I work in a clothing store and the brand is not luxury but it's a little bit more expensive. So my clothes is also important, I hated dress pants and I hated to be so well dressed all the time. But I love my job.

"Hey Ellie" I heard Samuel say behind me when I was getting the store ready for opening.

"Hey" I said and waited for him to ask about Harry.

"How are you?" I looked up and smiled at him.

"I'm fine, thanks" I said and then he smiled back at me. Maybe it wasn't so obvious that I was in that picture with Harry. I haven't really looked at it cause I was so afraid that you could see it was me. 

The day went by so fast and I was getting ready to leave for the day. I heard Samuels voice behind me again.

"Hey,El, you wanna go grab a drink?" I smiled at him and shook my head.

"I would, but I can't I have a meeting but maybe another time" he nodded and waved at me before he left, and I said bye to Bella who took over from me and Samuel. I knew Harry would pick me up in half an hour and that was about how long it took for me to drive home.

I had just come inside my front door when I heard a knock on it. And I opened it right away and there Harry stood, his hair in a SnapBack and a black t-shirt and black jeans and beige Chelsea boots. He smirked at me and looked me up and down, and then I turned around and I could feel him do it again.

"Harry you need to stop looking at me that way, cause I will chop your balls of" he laughed at me and I turned around and gave him a glare.

"In a bad mood?" I sighed and took my coat and put it on.

"You get me in a bad mood" he sighed again and looked me in the eyes.

"Okay, you get me in a bad mood too. Well are you ready so we can leave and get this over with" I nodded and followed him outside to his car. And the whole car ride was silent. Until I broke the silence.

"Uhm, harry, why did they want me to come with you?"

"I don't know, they have never asked me to bring someone in before" I chuckled a little bit at the word someone. I knew he meant other girls he was sleeping with.

"Someone? You mean other girls you've been sleeping with?" He looked over at me and raised his brows.

"Yeah, that's what I meant" he said and parked the car outside a large building. I followed him out of the car and inside the building and in to an elevator and up to the seventh floor. When we got out of the elevator we walked up to a desk and behind there was a blonde girl who almost drooled when Harry talked to her. Which annoyed me a little bit but it annoyed me more than it should.
I followed Harry in to another office where a woman with dark skin and her black hair in a strict ponytail. She looked up at the two of us and smiled and I smiled back.

"So harry and you must be Ellie" I nodded and Harry sighed.

"Yeah, hi nice to meet you" I said and shook her hand.

"Mary by they way" she said with a smile.

"So harry you care to explain why there is a mess around you?" I saw Harry sigh and he looked at me and I raised my brows at him and then he looked back at Mary.

"Yeah, well we aren't dating, we are just having sex. I don't do relationships you should know that by now, so now that you know that we aren't dating we all can just move on with our lives" he said and I smiled a little bit when I heard Mary laugh.

"Oh harry, nope, well if you aren't dating you are now. Cause you two created the mess, so you two fix it. And so it is, you are going to sign a contract Ellie. That you and Harry are dating for six months, you will of course get paid because this is a job. And Harry you will sign it too, the boys will also sign it. So behind closed doors you can behave as you want, but outside you two are deeply in love. You got it?"  I could feel my blood boiling inside of me and I almost felt my body shaking from rage. She took out some of the paper from a drawer and then I looked over at Harry who looked like he had seen a ghost.

"Oh dear god" was the only words that came out of my mouth.

"Or if you don't have another option that will fix this" we both shook our heads and Mary smiled at us and gave the both of us one paper with a little bit of information. It was a good pay and six months is not that long. But I was so mad at myself for listening to Angela and that I got up and talked to stupid Harry. And then I had sex with stupid Harry. Stupid Harry.

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