10 - the cancer

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The dinner with my family wasn't so bad as I thought it would be. No one brought up Caleb, and none picked a fight with me or anyone else. And no one talked about the hockey thing. I used to love the hockey, now I only watch it because of my brother to support him. He's one of the few people that has always got me, he always understood me.

"So Harry, how is it to be in a band, you guys exploded over night" my brother asked.

"Well it is one of he best things I've done in my entire life, Yeah, it was really over night thing... but it's a challenge at some times, you don't get to keep anything private" he said and my brother raised his brows and I didn't know if he heard or seen the article.

"Do you travel a lot? I can here you're not from around here" my dad asked.

"Yeah, I do plenty of traveling right now we are on a break and have a few months of... but I'll go back on tour this fall, and we start in England I think. Yeah, I'm from England, a small town called Holmes Chapel" he answered and I've never been interested in his life in that way before so I was surprised when he told my family so much about him. Maybe it was because I have never asked about his family.

"So when you go back on tour this fall, are you joining him Eliana?" I looked at my mother who asked the question and I then looked at Harry who waited for me to answer the question.

"Uhm, I really don't know yet, we haven't talked about yet... but I will probably come visit him cause I have work and stuff" I said and Harry smiled at me and gave my cheek a kiss. And I saw my brother smile at us and my parents didn't look that happy.

"Well Eliana be careful now, you never know with these pop stars" my mum said and took a sip of her wine.

"Mum" I said in a harsh tone.

"I'm just saying, I just worry about you" I rolled my eyes and shook my head.

"Oh really?" I said and my dad sighed and he knew me and my mum couldn't get along from what she did to me when I was a teenager.

"Eliana" I heard my dad say and I just shrugged my shoulders. And leaned back and crossed my arms over my chest.

"Well you don't have to worry" Harry said and put a hand on my thigh under the table. It made me kind of calm and I looked over at him and smiled a little bit. When the dinner was over we all sat in the living room and my dad took my brother and Harry down to the wine cellar were he also kept his whiskey. And I was with my mum in the kitchen and we didn't do much of the talking thing.

"You know you and Harry could spend the night and you could have a glass of wine with your mother" I heard her say when she had put all of the dishes in the dishwasher.

"No thanks" I said and then walked to my room, I loved that bedroom. I've always have and I will always love it. I heard that she followed me because of her heels against the hardwood floor. And I sighed and turned around.

"Can you stop following me please" I said and turned around.

"Eliana, when are you going to treat me like I'm your mother" she said and she looked sad but she knew why I was so hard on her and she knew why I was mad at her.

"When you treat me like your daughter" I said and she sighed.

"Eliana, I do treat you like a daughter, I love you and I care a lot about you"

"No mum, you don't, you only care when you want something, if you and dad are going away you want me to look after the flowers. You don't call me just to ask how I am, and don't tell me otherwise cause you know it's not true" I said and I felt a tear stream down my face and she looked a little bit taken back.

"Stop Eliana, I'm always here for you?" I laughed in her face and I shook my head.

"No, where were you when I got sick, where were you when Caleb cheated on me, where were you? Yeah, you were working, working at the same hospital I was treated in, and you still weren't there" I said and felt another tear roll down my cheek.

"Eliana, I said stop" she yelled and I saw my dad come up next to my mum.

"Enough, both of you" I sighed and looked at Harry and Brett behind them.

"Harry, we are going home now" I said and walked past both of my parents and took my jacket and put on my shoes and I heard Harry thanking them for the food and I heard them apologise. And I walked out that door and when I got out I could breath again. And I felt a hand on my back and I looked up and saw Harry. I turned around and placed my arms around his torso and I could feel him place his head on top of mine. It was something with his smell and his arms around me that made me calm. Every time he touched me it was like time stopped and it frightened me. I think I like the thought of him, I don't like the personality.

"El" I heard from behind me. I turned around and saw Brett behind me.

"Are you alright?" I nodded and he walked towards me and hugged me.

"You sure you're alright"

"Yes, you understand right, I'm not overreacting?" I said low in his ear.

"No, go home and I'll call you tomorrow I'm home for a few days" he said low in my ear and I nodded. And got in the car and Harry sat in the passenger seat. I sighed and started to drive towards Harrys house.

"Uhm, I'm sorry for my outburst at my mother" I said and I could feel his gaze on me.

"Don't worry, but you could talk to me you know" he said and I snorted and shook my head.

"Yeah, my mum is a workaholic, my dad only cares about hockey and I loved playing hockey as well, but one day I collapsed at practice. And they took me to the hospital in an ambulance. And the doctors didn't think it was normal for a fifteen year old year old, healthy girl to just pass out. So they did a head CT an found a tumor. My mum didn't visit me one time at the hospital, she worked in" I said and I hated telling people about this because everyone give me the same look.

"Uhm, What, uhm are you, so you still have that tumor?" I shook my head.

"No, they put me on chemo and when they noticed that didn't work they took me to surgery and removed the whole tumor and then they put me on radiation therapy and a year ago I was signed out and cancer free" I said and he smiled at me.

"That's great, well are you playing hockey again?" I shook my head.

"No, I go to the gym, and I run a lot. But no hockey, I'll leave that to my brother" I said and he laughed a bit. We kept talking about hockey and I found out Harry is cheering for packers and I told him that if he ever talk to my dad or brother he can't mention that. When I parked on his driveway he looked over at me and he had a small smile on his lips.

"You wanna come in?" He asked and I shook my head.

"Harry no, both of us know what would happen if I followed you inside" I said and he sighed.

"And would that be so bad" he asked.

"Yes, we can't do that anymore, it won't work, this is bad for both of us if we are going to pretend. And I don't want this to get real and I'm afraid that might happen" I said and he shook his head and sighed.

"Fine, well, I'll call you if Mary doesn't do that before me" he said and got out of the car. I knew he got a little bit mad but I just turned the car around and went home.

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