38 - the baby

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We were going to be on a talk show today, we have been flying back to England for this and Ellie went home to LA a couple of weeks ago. I already missed her. And we had also had a meeting with management telling them about our situation and they understood and since everyone already thought we were dating we could do as we liked. So no more contract.
I sat in the middle of Niall and Louis and James who held the talk show had begun to ask questions and just have a small talk.

"So harry, we have been seeing pictures from a lot of fans and paparazzi, you've been having Ellie your girlfriend with you on tour for a while?" He asked and I nodded.

"Yep" I said and then he kept talking about her.

"How's that like?" He asked and I shrugged.

"It's nice, I like having her around I miss her a lot when I'm away" I said and James nodded and then Louis stepped in.

"And about that mate, no one of us have appreciated that you missed each other you know, the walls are pretty thin" he said and I just shook my head and laid it in my hands.

"Just shut up" I said and they all laughed.

"Well I had some pictures sent to me and well let's take a look" James said, it was three different pictures one of them were me holding my arms around Ellie's waist and my head were on hers and the second picture was me and Ellie kissing I held my arms around her shoulders and her hands were on my torso. And the last picture was of us in a sun bed I laid with my arms around her and my head on her chest. I looked at the pictures and then at James who wiggled his brows at me.

"So uhm, you guys have a hard time keeping your hands of each other?" James asked and I chuckled.

"Well, we try" I said and James laughed and so did the other boys and I chuckled a bit, before we moved on. When the talk show was over I knew I needed to go see my sister and the kid and Michael my sisters boyfriend. I first went home to my house in London. It was empty and cold, I haven't spent much time here at all but since Ellie came in to the picture six months ago I haven't even thought of going back here. I turned the lights on and looked around, this house where so different from my house in l.a, this one is bigger and more modern, everything is either white, black or grey and the details are in silver. I grabbed my bag from the floor and went upstairs to my bedroom. The bedroom had grey walls with a black carpet covering the entire floor. My bed was big and it was still the same sheet as I had when I saw it the last time. My closet where almost empty and there wasn't any toiletries in the bathroom. I knew I had to go grocery shopping but I decided to do that when I got back from Gemmas.
The drive to Gemma's wasn't that far and when I parked outside the house I sat in the car for a while staring at the present in my hand. I actually had bought a small little gray jumper and a pair of jeans and some Chelsea boots. And also a teddy bear wearing a T-shirt with 'I have the worlds best uncle' on it. I got out the car and up to the front door and knocked. After a few seconds my sister opened the door, she looked surprised but happy. She looked also very very tired and she had stains on her shirt.

"Harry, hi, come on in" she said and I stepped inside and hugged her.

"Hi how are you? How's the baby" I asked and she smiled and started walking to the living room. The little baby was laying in a baby nest on the couch sleeping, I sat down next to him and looked at the precious little guy laying there sleeping.

"Harry this is Elliot" Gemma said and I smiled at him and saw him open up his eyes, they were  brown like Gemma's and I reached out my index finger to his hand and he grabbed it.

"Hey Elliot I'm your uncle harry, I actually brought some presents for you" I said and caressed his little hand. I gave Gemma the present to open and she smiled when holding up the jumper. And looking at the jeans and boots.

"Thank you harry" she said and smiled. She got up and got the two of us a cup of coffee.

"So how's the girl" Gemma asked and I shook my head and looked at her and she smirked at me.

"Her name is actually Ellie and she is good" I said and Gemma raised her brows.

"Well I can't wait to meet her, maybe you can bring her to mums birthday? Or is this for real at all?" She asked and I smiled and nodded. I may let her meet my family now but I still think it's hard. It's hard letting someone in, I used to be such a closed and lonely person and now I have someone to share everything with.

"Yeah, maybe... yes I love her Gemma" I said and she looked surprised but happy at the same time.

"Have you told her?" I nodded and I felt myself blushing.

"I did and she said she loved me back" I said and she smiled proudly at me.

"Harry that's great, well as I said I can't wait to meet her" she said again. I stayed at Gemma's for hours just holding the baby and talking with her. And when I went home I laid on my bed and I knew I wouldn't fall asleep, cause Ellie is not here. I hated to sleep alone I always have. And I always got these nightmares that couldn't disappear. Only when I'm with her they did, but she is thousands of miles away and I actually missed her a lot. I twisted and turned in bed for hours before I decided that I'll just go up and do something. I walked down and took out my journal from the bag I've brought and started writing. I wrote and scrabbled down small sentences and I felt myself finally getting tired and after a couple of hours I feel asleep on the couch.

I knew Ellie where coming to join us on the tour bus here in England and she would join us in a week. Me and Ellie had actually been talking or texting through the weeks she's been home and everything felt great. I've never felt this happy in my entire life. Even if I constantly is worried about her. And the other boys has stared to make jokes about how obsessed I am with her. Because I am, I'm so in love with her even if it took me six months to admit that I am, she is the best thing that has ever happened to me.

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