48 - hockey

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I woke up because I heard voices from beside me and I opened my eyes and saw Angela and Brett and then also Benjamin stand next to the bed. Isn't this just the perfect morning? I could feel Ellies body being close to mine and we were still wrapped up in the duvet her body snuggled up to mine.

"What the hell are you guys doing" I said and Angela crossed her arms over her chest.

"Well I was going to take Ellie shopping and Brett insisted to come and so did Benjamin. But she did never pick up her damn phone as usual, and you should tell her to really start locking her apartment" Angela said and I felt Ellie turn and lay on her back. I pulled up the duvet so her chest wouldn't be exposed to the people standing in her bedroom.

"Why are you here Angela" Ellie said without opening her eyes.

"We are going shopping" she answered her.

"And we are or I am taking Harry to a hockey game" I huffed and smirked a little bit and I knew that would annoy the hell out of Benjamin which I more than wanted to do.

"Oh dear, what time is it" she said.

"Eleven, so get up" Angela said and I heard Benjamin chuckle.

"Okay but if you didn't know I'm naked under here and I would appreciate if you could get out" she said and then opened her eyes and I knew she thought I was just Angela and Brett and when she saw Benjamin she rolled her eyes and put her hand over her face. I could tell Benjamin was slightly uncomfortable in this situation and Brett just chuckled. And they all walked out and Ellie turned to me and put her leg over my torso.

"If you ignore it, it will go away" she said and I let out a laugh.

"Let's go I have an asshole to annoy" I said and she sighed and sat up her hair was messier then usual and so was mine probably and I got up an took a shower and when I came out to the living room Ellie was dressed and had put her makeup on and brushed her hair. She had a pair of sunglasses on her head and a purse over her shoulder.

"You ready?" Brett asked me and I nodded.

"Yeah" I was a little surprised that they were going to take me somewhere but I didn't really care. I turned to Ellie and put my hand on her back and leaned in and kissed her.

"Love you" I said and she smiled and kissed me again.

"Love you" she said back and then I left with the guys. We got in to Brett's car and Benjamin got in the back and then he drove through Los Angeles and stopped by an apartment building.

"Okay bye guys" I heard from the back seat. Before Benjamin actually got out of the car.

"He isn't coming?" I asked and looked at Brett. He and Ellie looked alike, the bad the same blue eyes and the same hair color and they both had their mothers nose.

"No I figured it would be awkward since you don't like him" I huffed.

"What makes you think that" I said and Brett raised his brows and shook his head.

"Your a singer not an actor styles" he said and I huffed again.

"So what's the deal with that? Why don't you like him? I can see you shoot daggers at him all the time and as soon as someone mention his name you act weird" I sighed and chuckled and I knew I would regret telling him but I really wanted to.

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