75 - the love of my life

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February 21st 2018, Los Angeles, CA


After Ellie had left for her interview I walked upstairs to check on my wedding ring. It had been following me around for months. And I planned for it but then shut it down cause I was to nervous then Ellie ended up being pregnant and I didn't think of it anymore. But I was still feeling the ring in my pocket of my pants everyday. Almost when I didn't hide it somewhere so Ellie wouldn't find it. And call me old school but I needed to ask for her dads blessing. I took my car keys and drove towards Ellie's parents house.

I could hear heels walking towards the hardwood and then I saw Ellie's Mother's face. She looked surprise to see me and raised her brows.

"Harry hi, everything okay? Come on in" she said and stepped to the side and I twisted the rings on my fingers and walked in.

"Hey, Yeah, everything is fine. Is Darryl around? I need to talk to him about something" I asked with a smile and she nodded.

"He's in his office, go ahead honey" she said and I nodded and walked and stood outside his door. And took a deep breath before I knocked on the door.

"Come in" I heard him and I stepped in and saw him sitting by his desk, his glasses on the tip of his nose and he had a smile on his lips when he saw me.

"Harry, what a surprise. Everything okay?" He asked and I nodded.

"Yeah" I said and walked in and sat down in front of him.

"Well something must be wrong, you look like you've seen a ghost son" he chuckled and I nodded.

"I, uhm I.. I wanna marry your daughter" I said and he smiled.

"Well Harry, it's not me you should be asking that" he said and looked up from his papers.

"I just wanted your blessing" I said and started to twist at the rings on my finger again.

"Oh son, they way you love my daughter. I can't give you anything else than my blessing. The love you two have for each other is rare, and if you do this, if you merry her you don't ever get to leave. Do you understand that harry?" He said and nodded.

"I would never leave, to be honest in the beginning of our relationship I would, two and a half years ago if this would all have happened I mean with the baby and everything I would. I would probably have left, but now I can't. Cause I can't go a day without seeing her face, I can't cause I love your daughter to infinity and beyond. And she came and swooped me of my feet and turned my life upside down for the better. She is the good part of me" I said and Darryl looked at me and smiled.

"Go propose" he said and I chuckled. I nodded and stood up.

"Well thanks, I'll see you soon" I said and walked out of the office and Jessica was just on her way in when I stepped out. And she raised her brows at me and patted my shoulder. If she was anything like her daughter she had probably been eves dropping on us. She smiled and then walked in to her husband.
When I got home I saw Ellie's car on the driveway and I walked in and couldn't find her anywhere until I heard her heels against the hardwood upstairs. She was standing in the baby room looking down in the crib and I walked up to her and put my arms around her waist.  I stroked the baby bump and she chuckled.

"I want the baby here now, I want to hold it in my arms" she said and I kissed her neck.

"So do I, It will be here soon"
"Hey, I'm going to get changed and then I want to take you somewhere" I said and she smiled and nodded.

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