96 - rehearsal dinner

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May 6th 2019, London, England

2 days until the wedding


I looked out over the table and saw everyone I loved and that Harry loved. Our rehearsal dinner was happening. Louis our toast master was doing his best job in making everything go as planned and we had just gotten the appetizers in I looked at harry and raised my brows. He had been in charge of this dinner and I smiled.

"You think you'll like it?" He asked and I nodded. It was some kind of fish it looked like sushi but I wasn't sure. I took a bit and hummed, it was really good.

"Really good" I said and he nodded. I heard Louis clearing his throat in the microphone.

"So everyone it's time for our first speech, one of the grooms best friends, Nick Grimshaw everybody" I smiled and looked at Nick who took the microphone from Louis and he cleared his throat.

"Hello everyone! For you who don't know my name is Nick and I would consider myself as Harry's therapist" he started and everyone laughed.
"So as everyone probably already know, Harry is a quite charming lad. We are all sad that just one can have him, and why I say I'm like Harry's therapist is because he always have a lot on his mind. I can still remember they first time Harry came to me with something that had to do with Ellie here. It was a normal Tuesday, I think in January about four years ago, and Harry stumbled in to my house in London and he let out the most frustrating groan I've ever heard in my life" Nick started and I saw Harry smiling and he took my hand under the table.
"And he started to talk about this girl, he was telling me about meeting her in a bar and that she was so gorgeous and her blue eyes was the prettiest thing he had ever seen. He also told me that she was a little bit sassy, she had some bollocks, and I kept thinking, who the hell is this girl" he said and he had the biggest smile on his lips and then he raised his brows.

"And he kept talking about her and how wonderful she was and I kept telling Harry that mate you are so smitten by this girl. And he kept denying it and denying it, but I'm telling you now. Who was right all this time? Cause you see this lad over here is marrying that sexy girl he met in a bar four years ago, and he still haven't stopped talking about her, I wish both of you all the luck in the world. I bloody love you both" Nick said and everyone cheered and I looked at harry and then back at Nick and blew him a kiss. And he winked at me, Harry got up from his seat and walked over to Nick and gave him a hug and told him something before he came back sitting in his chair next to me.
The restaurant Harry had chosen for this dinner was magical it had string lights in the roof and it was decorated with flowers and we all were sitting around small circle tables and eating our dinner and drinking good wine.

"Okay everyone, the next speaker for tonight, the best friend of the bride, Gabriel Hansen everyone" my head snapped up and Gabriel sent me a wink.

"Hi everyone, so I'm Gabriel I'm the brides main man. And dog sitter" he said and I let out a laugh.
"First of all I want to say thank you Ellie, for being one of the best people I know. I come from a family where my sexuality is not accepted and, when I met Ellie she brought me in to her family faster than normal people would do. And that's something I adore about her, her kindness. But I also hate her way of giving people chance after chance.
I also met Ellie in a place in her life where she and Harry just broke up and she was miserable. And I'm not going to stand here and lie I hated Harry the first time I met him, and you all are thinking how can you hate such a pretty face? Well I did cause I saw how happy he made her, but I also saw how sad she was while they were not together. But we had this one time where me and Ellie where in Bali shooting for her new collection and all of a sudden Harry calls me and he says. 'Gabriel I'm at the airport in Lombok and I need you to tell where you are staying, I need to see Ellie I'm going to propose to her' he said and I was thinking wow this lad is out of his freaking mind" Gabriel said and everyone laughed and Harry just shrugged and leaned back on his chair.
"And at the time I still wasn't his biggest fan and I was still threatening to throw him in the Hudson if he didn't behave. But he showed up at the villa and that's realized how happy I was that he was there, because this girl over here" he said and pointed at me.
"Wouldn't shut up about how much she wished Harry would be here, and that was the first time I think I was pleased about Harrys presence. And baby we don't have any bad blood anymore" he joked and winked at harry and harry rolled his eyes and laughed which I also did about his Taylor preference.
"Ellie I love you, and Harry the offer about throwing you in the Hudson still stands" Gabriel said with a wink and Harry waved him of with a laugh and I leaned in to Harry's shoulder.

"You had the ring in Bali?" I asked and Harry nodded.
"I carried that ring around for months before I had the balls to propose" he answered and I leaned in to his lips and placed a kiss on them.

I saw the entree coming in and it was some kind pasta and it smelled delicious I licked my lips and Harry chuckled.
"Remember when I told you that you and Juliet looks the same way when someone feeds you, this is the look" he said and I bursted out laughing.

"I'm sorry I just really love food" I defended myself and took a bite of that pasta. And I moaned when I felt the wonderful taste and Harry chuckled next to me. Of course I exaggerated the flavor a little bit but it was good pasta.

"Okay time for the third speaker of tonight that happens to be a friend of the couple. James Corden everybody" Louis said and me and Harry looked at each other and smiled we both knew this was going to be fun.

"Harry and Ellie" James started and looked between us.
"As many of you might now I've known Harry for a very long time, Harry is a close friend and he is The Godfather of my youngest daughter Charlotte. He is one of the most kind people I know. But I must say one thing Harry, propose earlier! Harry walked around whining about this ring for months before he finally did something about it, but" He yelled and I bursted out laughing.
"A little over two years ago I had these two in the studio with me, Harry was there because of his album release and Ellie was there as a guest and I remember that Harry here always had a hard time keeping his hands to him self. So when I was going to go through the schedule with Ellie in her dressing room I stepped in and she was nowhere" I looked at harry and felt my cheeks heat up I still remember this day like it was yesterday. I've probably never been so embarrassed in my entire life.
"Then after a few minutes I heard Harry talking and he steps out in the dressing room in his towel and after comes Ellie. Both just in towels, and I was thinking what the bloody hell is this, did they just have sex in my shower? Was my first thought" everyone was laughing and Harry squeezed my thigh under the table.
"And to this day I still don't know what happened in that shower but I had it disinfected afterwards. Anyway, I'm honored to be here today, and I know that you two have had bumps on the road, but I know that the love you two share is incredible. And Ellie, don't get upset I've kissed your fiancé a couple of times and I must say I'm jealous that you now have a lifetime of those kisses" James said and I bursted out laughing and he walked up to the two of us and put his arms around us and leaned in between our heads.

"so now, tell me did you have sex in my shower" he said and I looked at Harry and he was giggling.

"I had breakfast in that shower, and some wonderful dessert" Harry said and winked at James and I slapped Harry's arm and James shook his head and laughed while he walked away.
I knew this rehearsal dinner was coming towards and end and I felt a little bit lightheaded from the wine but I was also very tired and exhausted for all the preparation. Harry held a steady grip around my waist while we walked up our driveway, my mother had taken Juliet home early and me and Harry had stayed for a little bit longer so I was assuming they were already asleep in the house.
And I was right, the house was pitch black and silent and I chuckled while almost tripping while taking of my heels but I gave up and wore them upstairs.
"Shhh" Harry said with a chuckle and tried to hold me up. He was also pretty drunk and we both where stumbling up the stairs. I sat down on the edge of the bed and lifted my leg towards Harry. He fumbled with the band on my show before he threw the shoe on the floor and started with the other one.
"Oh thank you" I said and Harry held my foot in his hand and then placed kisses on my ankle. Harry took of his pink blazer and started to unbutton his shirt and I took of my baby blue jumpsuit. I walked to the bedroom and removed my makeup and brushed my teeth and Harry walked up and stood next to me.
"Why are you naked" he said and I shrugged.

"I hate clothes Harry, if i could choose I would be naked all the time" I answered and he chuckled.

"Me too but you already know that" he said and I nodded when I felt his hand on my behind giving it a firm squeeze. I walked out of the bathroom and laid down under our soft sheets and after a few minutes Harry joined me. He laid on his side with his leg over mine and I felt him kiss my shoulder. And he reached for my hand intertwining our fingers.
"Next time we lay down to sleep together your last name will be Styles" he said and I looked to my side and I could barley see him through the darkness of our bedroom but I found myself nodding anyway.

"Wow" I said and he chuckled before kissing my shoulder again and then I felt myself drifting of to sleep. With him humming something in my ear and and making circles with his thumb on the backside of my hand.

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