The Opportunity

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Daniels walks in the door to his Georgia home, and see's his phone blowing up. Its his mother of course. He calls her immediately. It goes straight to voicemail. He forgets, his mother is opposed to talking on the phone. She texts him immediately.

M(om):Honey! Today was your appointment now did it go?
D(aniels): It was great, the docter says I'm fully functional!
M: Thats great! Are you going to find another job or try to get back in the ring?
D: I want to be in the ring, if not for me, then for him.
M: Honey I know, but you can't let him control your life. Its yours, not his. You have had endless opportunities, he would be proud no matter what!
D: I know mom, but us watching wrestling together, it made me want to be a wrestler, I do it all for him. I got to go Mom. Love you.

Daniels looks to his right at the picture on the mantle. It shows his brother, Alex. With down syndrome and autism, he was a fighter all his life.

He calls ROH, they tell him to come in, and they can negotiate then. However, after hanging up, the WWE calls. Daniels can't decide. He has always wanted to be in the WWE, now is his chance.

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