Elimination Chamber(and onward)

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Daniels walked into the office.

Daniels: "You needed to see me?"
Vince: "Yes, I wanted to talk to you about tonight."

Daniels listened as they discussed his match. Once Daniels leaves, Alexa greet him outside.

Alexa: "Oh my god baby. I am so excited for your match tonight! Do you win?"
Daniels: "You know I can't tell you."
Alexa: "You cant?"

Alexa make a sad puppy face.

Alexa: "Well, what if I told you, we have three hours before the show starts, and an hour and a half until people get here?"
Daniels: "What did you have in mind?"
Alexa: "You know, but you gotta tell me first."
Daniels: "Aw, I guess I'll never know then."
Alexa: "Fine, but still, meet me in the girls locker room in 5 minutes. Knock first, I'll be waiting."

She walked off seductively. Three hours later, Daniels is standing at the gorilla waiting for his cue, since his match is first. He stands back there with everyone else. Nobody knows anything but who is winning. They don't know who is starting the match off.
Daniels: "Just wait for our music I guess."
Finally, Daniels music hits. He's out first. The lights go out, and instead on being on the stage, there is a flash, and he is in a pod, already locked. Braun is out next. Then The Miz, then Roman, Balor, and Owens.

Owens and Balor start the match off. They trade punches. The first one out the pod is Braun Strowman. He lays waste to Balor, and hits Owens with a running power slam. 4 minutes later, Daniels is released. He goes to Balor since Braun is busy with Owens. Balor gets hit with an X-plex. Balor gets up quickly. He knocks him down and climbs on top of the pod. He hits a Coup De Gras(I hope I spelt that right)
on Daniels, but gets put into a chokeslam position from Strowman before he can capitalize. The referees on the outside yell at Braun. They tell him to calm down. Roman is released, then Miz. Miz gets eliminated by Braun within 30 seconds of coming out the pod. Roman hits Braun with a spear, and takes him out of the equation for now. Be targets Balor, and eliminates him. Then Daniels hits Reigns with an X-Plex to eliminate him. Then he hits Owens with a Reapers Call. Eliminated Owens. The last two in the ring are Daniels and Braun. Daniels knows he can't beat Strowman, and looks around worried as he gets up. He dropkicks Strowman into the steel wall. Strowman doesn't fall, but leans against it. Suddenly, two refs, in facemasks, handcuffs Strowman to the chamber, and slides a kendo stick between the chains. Daniels smirks. He hits Strowman multiple times with the Kendo stick. He hits Braun in the head with it and causes him to black out. He tells the two refs to uncuff him. They do. Daniels goes for the pin, and gets the 3 count to win the Intercontinental Championship.

Daniels walks backstage, and everyone is congratulating him, telling him he deserves it. Alexa jumps on him and is so excited he won. That is until everyones attention is directed toward the TV to watch what happens next. It is an unplanned segment, and is Sasha Banks in the ring.

Sasha: "Lets give a round of applause to your new Intercontinental Champion, Gregory Daniels!"

The crowd clapped.

Sasha: "You know who is really happy? His girlfriend Alexa Bliss. In fact, I have had my photographers take photos of them, let's see how cute of a couple they are! Ladies abd Gentlemen, these pictures are straight from his phone!"

Alexa: "This isn't a planned segment..."

Everyone looks back at the TV.

Sasha: "In this picture, it is Daniels with Alex.....a....wait. Thats not Alexa, that's me! Whoops, forgot about that 'special' meeting."

She goes to the next picture.

Sasha: "Oh okay, here's one. Wait, wait, that's me with his cock in my mouth, whoops. Next! There, that's me and him right before his match, that's me and him last night at dinner..."

Everyone in the back looked at him and Alexa. Alexa was about to cry. The broadcast was cut out by production, and the titantron went out.

Alexa: "Greg, its not true."

He looked at her.

Daniels: "Its not, I swear."

Alexa: "Let me see your phone then, since its the source."

He gives her his phone.

Alexa: "Fuck you Greg! Thats you and her having sex, and the picture was added last night. Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you!"

Alexa ran away crying. Everyone looked at Greg.

Daniels: "I swear on everything, I didnt do it!"

He explains the whole situation from the beginning. Some people believe, some don't. Daniels knows that he won't be able to gain back Alexa's trust.

The next night...

Kurt: "Ladies and gentlemen, as you know, Gregory Daniels won the Intercontinental title...HOWEVER, I was offered a huge trade from Smackdown Live, and it would shake things up heading into Wrestlemania! Please welcome the newest addition to Monday Night Raw, replacing Gregory Daniels, the United States Champion, Bobby Roode!" Daniels just got the news, he heads to his car to drive to the arena for Smackdown Live.

The next night...

Shane: "Welcome to Smackdown Live everyone! And let's go ahead and introduce to you, the Intercontinental Champion, Gregory Daniels. I'll let him speak."

He entered the ring, to a ton of boos.

Daniels: "Why are you booing me? Is it because I'm IC champ???"

The crowd boo'd even harder.

Daniels: "Well I expect that you want to know how I won...and I gues you want to know who helped me beat up Braun Strowman. So let me introduce them. Ladies and Gentleman, please welcome my dear friends...Akam And Rezar, The Authors of Pain!"

The crowd boo'd as they came out. They got in the ring and joined Daniels.

Akam: "We are the Reapers Army..."
Rezar: "We don't fear, they do..."
Daniels: "And we will run Smackdown Live for a long time to come."

Daniels and The Authors of Pain went backstage to see everyone. Daniels was bombarded by everyone, giving him a pat on the back.

Daniels: "I just wanna go to the hotel guys, see ya."

Daniels left. Becky saw him leave, and followed him out. She went to the hotel too.

Daniels is sitting on the couch watching TV in the hotel, when there is a knock on the door.

Daniels: "Who is it?"
???: "Its Becky, I got beer."
Daniels: "Then by all means, come in."

Becky walks in the room.

Becky: "I saw what happened on Sunday. Nobody deserves that."
Daniels: "Thats the worst part, it was staged. Alexa didn't even believe me"
Becky: "Oi. Well, if Alexa didnt believe you, maybe she isnt the girl for you."
Daniels: "Yeah maybe, its just, I thought she would believe me."
Becky: "Well I do."

An hour and a half later, they had drinked 6 beers each. Telling jokes,and laughing.

Becky: "This might be the beer talking, but don't give two fucks about her. Be with ME."

Alright, that's the latest chapter. I told you it would be long. Hopefully you got through it. I am working on the next chapter now, but still have a few changes to make. Who would you like him to be with on the Smack down Roster? Leave your comment.

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