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Mike's POV

I was in my room, listening to some music that made me think about El.
"Africa" by Toto was playing on my music player and that melody could be heard all around my house. It was ok since I was home alone. Nancy had gone out with Will's brother, Jonathan.

I was looking at my bedroom ceiling, enjoying the music when I saw a paper plane come from my open window. I got up. Turns out El had thrown it. It was fun having a next-door neighbor.

- I love that song!!! - El said, talking about "Africa".
- Me too!!! - I said, enthusiastically.
- Hey, I'm really bored. - she said, resting her head on her hand.
- You want to hang out? We could go to the park or to the lake. I can call my friends if you want to meet them.
- I'd love that! - El answered. - Do you mind if I wait for you to call them over there? - she asked, referring to my house.
- Not at all. Come on.

3 minutes after, the doorbell rang. I opened and there she was, smiling at me. I smiled back at her. The July sun was hitting her hair, making her look angellical.

- Are we going in or...? - El asked.
- Oh, yeah... Sorry. - I said, nervous because I had been staring at her for more than I should have.
- It's ok. - she said, smiling shyly.

I led her upstairs and into my bedroom. She stopped at the door looking at it.

- Oh God. I'm so sorry El. This is so stupid. - I said, rushing to the door where she was standing.
- What's wrong? - she asked, not moving, causing me to stand right in front of her, only inches apart.
- You barely know me and I brought you to my bedroom. It's kind of disrespectful.
- Mike, it's totally ok. Don't worry. I know you are not that kind of guy.
- Are you sure?
- Yeah. - she said, not taking her eyes of me while smiling and going around me to enter my room.
- Make yourself comfortable. - I said, grabbing the phone. - I'm just going to call the party, wait.

I called everyone and told them to meet at my front porch in half an hour.
While I called them, El searched through all my mixtapes to find some good tunes for us to hear while we waited for my friends.
She stumbled across some The 1975 mixtape. She put on "Robbers".

~ [I know The 1975 weren't a band in the 80's but I love them and I think they give the right vibe to this fic] ~

We laid next to eachother on my bed and laughed, talked and listened to the song. It was perfect. My summer had gotten so much better since I met El last night.

I looked at her in the corner of my eye and thought about how beautiful she was when she laughed. The song was not helping me, it was such a beautiful song for a beautiful moment.

We heard about 4 songs when we heard the doorbell. My friends had arrived.
When I opened the door, all of them were surprised to see El.

- This is El, guys! - I introduced her to my friends.
- Hi there! - El waved with a shy smile.
- Where are you from? - Dustin asked her.
- I'm from another town in Indiana. It's upstate. - El answered.
- How old are you? - Will asked her.
- I'm 14. How about you guys?
- I'll take this one. - I said. - I'm 15, and so are Lucas and Dustin. Max and Will are 14. - I said, pointing to each one.
- So what do you want to do this afternoon, Mike? - Max asked me.
- I was thinking about going to the cinema. "Ghostbusters" starts at 4PM.
- Yeah, let's go! - Dustin said.

We all walked to the cinema. We bought our tickets and popcorn and sat in the cinema room.
We sat in this order: Will, El, me, Dustin, Lucas and Max.
Max didn't want to sit in the end so she switched places with Dustin so she could be more in the middle and still next to Lucas.

When the break started, El told me she needed to go to the bathroom and Will said she'd go with her. I didn't think much of it. In fact, it was actually nice that Will was bonding with her and made sure he'd keep her company.

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