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El's POV

The movie had started and Mike was focused on the screen.
I didn't think much of Max wanting to sit next to him. But when the movie was rolling, Mike and Max didn't stop interacting; they talked about the characters, they talked about their inventions and laughed together. I was feeling really stupid. I mean, I had only knew Mike for one day, I shouldn't feel jealous of Max. But I was jealous. And I hated it.

When the commercial break started, I told Mike I had to go to the bathroom. Will followed me because he noticed how uncomfortable I was looking at them throughout the movie.

I sat outside the cinema on the sidewalk and looked in the horizon, breathing deeply so I could calm myself down. Next thing I knew, Will sat next to me.

- What's wrong El? - he asked me.
- I feel so stupid...
- Why?
- It's just that... Mike and Max seem very close...
- Oh, it's not like that...
- I saw them laughing together and punching eachother's shoulder! - I interrupted Will.- Plus, she's so pretty and her hair is so beautiful and she has big green eyes and I look like a potato wearing a dress! - I said burying my face on my hands.
- El, El, El! Stop! You are so pretty! Of course you're different from Max but you are both pretty! - Will comforted me in a tight hug.- Besides, Mike and Max aren't a thing and they will never be. She is dating Lucas!
- Really?! - I looked at him with my eyes wide open.- Thank God!
- So... Does this mean you like Mike? - Will asked me, with his eyebrows raised.
- I... I guess so...
- This is great! I think he likes you too! I see the way he looks at you! - Will said, enthusiastically.
- Wait, Will. Don't get all worked up... I have known him for like a day...
- Did you have any proof he likes you back?
- Well... We almost kissed last night... But his sister, Nancy, startled us.
- Oh my! I ship it.

I laughed it off. When we were getting up to return to the room, Max showed up outside.

- Oh you guys are already coming? Great, hurry! The movie is restarting! - Max said, when she noticed my swollen red eyes from crying. - What happened, El? Are you okay? - Max rushed next to me, hugging me.
- I'm fine, don't worry! - I said, resting my face on her shoulder.
- I fyou need anything, come talk to me, ok? I hope we can become great friends. - Max said to me.
- Me too, you seem cool.

We got back inside and sat in our sits. The room was dark now and the movie was rolling. I looked at Max and Lucas and she was resting her head on his shoulder. They were actually the cutest thing now that I knew they were dating.
Mike caught me looking at them and looked at me. I looked at him and smiled, pushing him lightly with my shoulder.
I put my eyes on the screen again and watched the movie. Suddenly, I felt Mike's fingers interlacing with mine. I looked at our hands but didn't move my head. I smiled looking at them and I saw him smile too through the corner of my eye. His hand was really warm and mine was freezing, but when they got together, my hand started to heat up and so did my face. I could feel my cheeks going red but I didn't mind, no one could see it in the dark.
We spent the rest of the movie with our hands interlaced.

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