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Mike's POV

It was the 31st of August. I woke up to Holly jumping on my bed, trying to wake me up.

- Wake up Mike! It's your birthday! - she screamed.
- Holly! - I screamed, shuting her up with a hug.
- What?!
- What have we talked about? I don't like my birthday! And I don't want anyone to remember what day today is. Can you please not mention it to El or to the party?
- Ok. But happy birthday! - Holly wished me, hugging me tightly. - I love you, big bro'!
- I love you too, little sis'.

I got up and got dressed. Eventhough I didn't like to celebrate my birthday, I always liked wearing something new on this day. I put on my new dark red shirt and some dark denim jeans.

I don't know why I didn't like my birthday. It was something about being the center of attention for a whole day: having people calling me to wish me a happy birthday, having to put this constant happy face to please everyone, people singing the birthday song to me and expecting my reaction to their presents. I just don't like it, and no one gets it.

I made my breakfast and heard my mom and dad come to the kitchen.

- I can't believe my baby boy is 16 now! - my mom cried, while holding me in her arms.
- You're becoming a man! - my dad told me, ruffling my hair.
- We followed your wishes and there is no birthday party, no one reminded your friends about today and nobody told El about your birthday. - Mom said.
- Thank you, Mom. I really appreciate that.

I think I didn't like my birthday also because it meant the summer was going to end. In two weeks we would be back in school and have to deal with all of the bullshit that comes along with it.

The doorbell rang and I immediately thought it was someone in the party who remembered that this faithful day was my birthday. I started to stress out.
I got to the door and it was actually El. My face immediately lit up.

- Hi El. - I said, with a shy smile. Her hands grabbed my cheeks and our lips met, under the shiny August sun. These last 2 months had been perfect, since I had met El.
- Hi Mike. - she said, after we pulled apart.
- What do you want to do today?
- I have nothing in mind, to be honest.
- How about staying in and watching a movie?
- Well, we should do something better. It's your birthday afterall.
- How do you know that? - I asked her, immediately starting to shake with anxiety.
- Don't stress out, Mikey. - she held my hand, and made me syncopate my breathing to hers. - Are you calmer now?
- Yes.
- Nancy told me by mistake the other day. Don't get mad at her, it was an accident.
- I don't like to celebrate my birthday, El.
- I know that. But we should do something memourable, don't you think? It's your sweet 16! I want you to do the same for me on mine.
- I was already planning on doing that, don't worry.
- I don't know how you're going to top every day we've been together though. Every day is the best day ever since we met.
- I love you so damn much, El.
- I love you, Mike. - she looked deep in my eyes for a few seconds and then kissed me with so much passion I could see millions of colors.

We had lunch together in my house and played with Holly until Nancy got home.
I loved spending time with El, making her feel like she belonged in my home, like she was my home.

It was 6PM and we said goodbye to my family and called Steve for a ride.
Steve was one of Nancy and Jonathan's best friends and he loved all of us, kids. He usually stopped by my house to play baseball with the party and he was the one who gave us rides anywhere we wanted.

- What's up kids? Where are you heading? - Steve said, pulling over his Chevrolet van.
- Hey Steve! We need to go here. - El told him, handing him a piece of paper with a little note on it. She was trying to surprise me so I had no idea where we were going.
- I got you, Ellie. Let's roll!

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