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Mike's POV

El and Hopper went home and I just stayed in the garden, lying in the bench El and I were sitting on. I looked at the stars and thought about our talk. I really liked meeting her and I think we are going to be great friends. Maybe tomorrow I should ask her to hang out with me and my friends. I think they'd love her.

I fell asleep smiling on the bench. I woke up to Nancy tickeling my nose. Ugh, annoying ass sister.

- I hate it when you do that! - I got up, scratching my nose.

- C'mon Mike, I called you like 10 times! Go sleep in your bedroom. - Nancy said, while laughing.

- Fine. - I went upstairs and got into my bedroom.

As soon as I got in, I saw El from my window. She was looking at herself in the mirror, while wearing that flower I gave her in her hair, behind her ear. What a cutie. I couldn't help but smile. 

I opened my window and whistled at her so I wouldn't scream because there could be people sleeping.

Her window was open so she heard the whistle and got confused then turned around. As soon as she saw me, she smiled. She came to the window and I got out of my house, climbing a tree that was next to my room and almost connected my room to El's.

- What are you doing? - she whisper-yelled, laughing and looking at me almost falling off the tree.

- I'm trying to get next to you, what did you think? C'mon, jump, you can easily climb that branch next to your window. - I said to her, reaching the middle of the branch.

- No way! I'll fall in a second! I'm not going there! - she said, laughing nervously.

- I'll help you, wait. 

I got to her window and grabbed her arms, helping her jump to the tree. She was scared but she did it. We walked to the middle of the branch and sat there.

- Isn't this cool? - I asked her.

- Scary as hell but cool, yeah. - El said, looking at the ground.

- Don't look down, you'll feel dizzy. Look at the sky, look at that moon. It's so big today. And look at those stars, there's like a million of them.

- The sky looks like your face. - she said, staring at me.

- Why? What?

- Because of your freckles. You look like you have constellations all over your cheeks and nose. - she touched my face, right underneath my eyes.

- Is that a good thing? I don't like my freckles actually. - I said whilst laughing.

- Of course it's good! And why don't you like them? They make you look so pretty. - she said, immediately shutting up and looking straight forward.

- Did you just say I'm pretty? - I asked, not taking my eyes off El.

- I did... I'm sorry. - she said, looking very sad.

- No, don't be! It's okay, it's just that no one ever told me that. It's something new. - I said, putting my hand on top of hers. She smiled as she felt my hand. - Also... I think you're pretty too... Really pretty...

She looked at me straight in the eyes and her mouth opened to a big smile as she blushed and her eyes started to shine.

After that we just looked at the sky. I felt her eyes on me after a minute or two passed. I looked back at her. The moonlight was lighting her face and her eyes were shining very brightly. We stared at eachother without saying a word for almost a minute. I looked deep into her eyes and I caught myself looking at her lips. She did the same. I felt like it was time. 

I leaned in slowly and so did she.
We were inches apart, our noses almost touching and right when I started tilting my head to the right to kiss her, Nancy came to her window and screamed:
- What are you two lovebirds doing?
This obviously scared me, besides making me pissed off, so I almost fell back off the branch. El quickly grabbed my arm while she and Nancy laughed loudly. Guess nobody cared that it was almost 1a.m.

- We were just... We were... Hum... - I said (or didn't say).
- No need to justify yourselves, but if your dad, El, saw this, I'm sure he would freak out. So keep it lowkey. - Nancy said.
- I'm sure he would... Thanks, Nancy. I'll go back to my room. See you guys. - El said, while getting up. She let go of my hand and I felt it getting so cold and lonely.

El got back inside, climbing to her bedroom window. I did the same.
I dressed my pajama pants and a comfortable shirt and got in bed.
I couldn't stop thinking about El. What a girl. So kind. So pure. So beautiful. I loved everything about her. I loved the way she looked at me. I loved the love she felt for flowers. I loved how she played with my little sister Holly. I loved how she looked in the moonlight. And it the sunset. And in general. I loved the way the corner of her eyes wrinkled when she laughed. I loved her strange teeth and how her smile was different than all others. I loved her smell. I loved her short curls and how they shined.

Why do I always get so attached so soon? I met this girl 5 hours ago. I'm just so stupid.

I had been looking at the ceiling for about an hour. I couldn't sleep. I decided to get up, grab my walkman and try to sleep while listening to some music.
I ended up falling asleep minutes after.

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