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El's POV

Mike and I were in the floor sitting in front of eachother. He was telling me how he wouldn't tell the others or anyone the truth about me. I had trusted so many wrong people throughout my whole life. The only real decent person I have ever met was my dad. And now, I knew Mike was decent aswell. I knew I could trust him when I saw the look in his eyes. I knew he wouldn't fail me. And then, he said "I love you" and everything made sense. It was like my life finally had a purpose. It felt like my life was starting again, and I got to live it and share it with Mike. I felt tears filling my eyes again. But these were happiness tears. I had never been so happy.

I knew I had only met him for about 4 days, but every single second I spent by his side was the best gift I've ever known. Every word he said was my favorite sound. Every glance shared made my heart skip beats.
I loved his purity, I loved his smile, I loved how kind-hearted he is, I loved the way he looked at me, I loved his smell, I loved how tall he was and how my head fit perfectly in his shoulder, I loved his hands and how they were interlaced in mine right now, I loved his face which he tried to cover with his messy hair because he's that shy, I loved his laugh and how he made me laugh, I loved how he promised to protect me. I loved him. And I had to tell him, this time. I've felt this for too long.

- I love you too, Mike. - I cried and hugged him tighter than ever. - God, I love you so much!

Mike embraced me and our song was playing. I felt so loved right now. I took a deep breath and felt Mike pulling apart. I felt really cold and lonely whenever our hugs came to an end.
I noticed Mike was really focused on my eyes and I felt my eyes going down to his lips. They were so plump and red, so kissable. I turned to look at his eyes again, but he leaned in and kissed me. Mike kissed me! He finally did it, I couldn't believe it. I grabbed his face and he put his hands on my neck, making me smile against his lips.
After a bit, we pulled apart. I couldn't stop smiling and so couldn't him. Mike looked at me with big shiny eyes, making me think about how lucky I got to know him.

He helped me up and we walked out of the bathroom after cleaning everything up. We went downstairs with our hands interlaced. I looked at him and he kept smiling, which made me giggle. I was so happy I could trust him.

We gathered the party. Max and Lucas were sleeping in a couch in the corner of the room, with their hands and heads together. Dustin was teaching the girl he was talking to before how to play Dungeons and Dragons. Will came into the living room when we got there all smiley.
After everyone was there, we said goodbye to James and started heading home.

I walked next to Max, while Will and Mike were talking and Dustin and Lucas were making fun of eachother, as I noticed it was a regular thing they did.

- How was the night? - Max asked me.
- It was great, actually.
- Your eyes are a little swollen, have you been crying?
- I did, about 15 minutes ago. But I'm okay now. I'm great, really. - I couldn't help but smile.
- You look like you kissed someone. - Max said, casually. I just chuckled and she looked at me with her mouth open in surprise. - Did you and Mike kiss?! Oh my God!
- Don't say it so loud! But yeah, we did... Oh Max, it was so amazing!
- I'm so happy for you guys, you have no idea! - she told me, as she hugged me.

Mike's POV

- How did things go with James? - I asked Will.
- They went pretty great... We went outside for privacy and I told him I had a crush on him.
- Really? You brave little man. How did he react?
- First of all, I'm not little. I'm average size, it's not my fault you're 5'10.
- My apologies, William.
- Apologies accepted, Michael.
- So how did he react?
- He told me he has liked me for about 2 months now since that day in the school's cafeteria when we talked, do you remember?
- Yeah, and wow, that's great Will. I'm so happy for you!
- Thanks. - he shrugged. - I asked him out. We're going to see "Ghostbusters" tomorrow.
- We saw that movie yesterday.
- I know but I want to see it again. Plus, then I'll know if he likes science and humour - the two best things in the world.
- You're crazy! - I laughed.
- And how did your night go?
- We kissed for the first time...
- Are you kidding?! - he screamed. I punched his arm. - Ouch! What was that for?!
- So you shut the hell up! But yeah, we did. And it was so great.
- Little Mikey is growing up, I'm so proud.
- Why can't you just call me by my regular name? - I shook my head, laughing.

We got to our neighbourhood and said goodbye to the party. El hugged them all and then held my hand.

- I don't want to be that type of guy but... what are we? - I asked her.
- I don't know...
- Do you want us to be like... us...?
- What are you trying to say? - she said, smiling at me.
- I... - I started shaking and I felt her hand hold on to mine to make me stop. I took a deep breath and stopped walking. She turned to me and I looked deep in her eyes. - Do you want to be my girlfriend?
- Yes, yes, yes! - she rushed to my arms and I lifted her. I spinned around with her in my arms while she laughed. When I put her on the ground, I felt her hands on my jawline and I leaned in, kissing her. My eyes were closed but it was almost as if I were seeing bright shiny colors, red, blue, yellow, and even colors that didn't exist, as if that was possible.

I really love her.

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