-chapter 4-

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Song; Hard Feelings/Loveless by Lorde

(repeat if necessary.)


Louis walked through the front door and slumped against it. He rested his head against the wooden door, sighing in relief. "Oi , Lou! You did great, he emailed me answers to all of the questions." Niall called when Louis finally walked into the lounge.

The Irishman was surrounded in a fort of books, Louis almost laughed. "What're you-" Louis started with a confused look as he pulled off his jacket. Niall turned around and beamed, despite the snot rag stuffed up his nose. "Mr. Styles emailed me all the questions I gave to ye." Niall said.

Louis smacked his forehead. "So that's where it went." He said, walking off to his room. "What do ye mean?" Niall called, replacing the tissue in his nose. "I thought I left the packet in his office and it turns out he just stole it from me." Louis called back, changing into sweatpants.

Louis walked back out with his glasses on his nose and a book under his arm. "So what was he like?" Niall asked, typing away on his laptop. "Very clean and intimidating. I'm just glad I don't ever have to see him again, he freaks me out." Louis said, sitting in a stool by the island.

Niall blinked and frowned. "Was he hotter in person?" Louis laughed and took his glasses off, cleaning them. "Yes, very much so. That's what freaked me out about him." Louis said with a tap to his lip.

" That and the crazy themes behind his words, it's like he said something and meant something way deeper then what he was letting on, ya know?" Louis said, replacing his glasses and opening his book.

He read for a minute until he realized he got no reply. He looked up and saw Niall staring at him with that look. Louis frowned. "What?" He said, fixing his fringe. "Oh nothing." Louis rolled his eyes and snapped his book shut. He checked his watch and saw it was around six.

"I'm over you, order something for dinner and wake me up when it gets here." Louis said, shaking his head with a smile when Niall rasped out a laugh.


Louis woke up the next morning and dressed for the day, heading to class. He hopped in his shitty 1998 Beetle and drove to class. Louis and Niall drove separately because they had different classes in the morning, leaving Louis to himself, which he was grateful for.

Louis got out of his car and slung his bag over his shoulder, shutting the door with a bump of his hip so he could lock it. Louis headed into the building and sat down in his usual seat.

He sat through class and was pretty distracted, thinking about Harry and his mysterious aura. It intrigued Louis in a way that scared him, because no one normally catches his attention easily. After class, Louis hurried out of the building to get to work.

He waddled over to his car and attempted to open the door, only to be stopped by a familiar friend doing it for him. Louis turned and smiled at his friend who was smiling with a blush. "Hi Z, thank you." Louis said, pecking his cheek so he could hop in.

Zayn quickly stopped him and turned him around. "The Manchester Place Gallery is going to exhibit my photos next month." He said, rubbing his neck, waiting for Louis' reaction. Louis squealed and gave Zayn a bone-crushing hug.

"That's incredible, Zaynie! I'm so proud of you." Louis said, tipping his head to the side in a cute manner, making Zayn's heart thunder. Niall walked up suddenly and laughed at Zayn, knowing about his secret affection for Louis.

"Did you tell him?" Niall asked, making Zayn's flush pink because he thought he was asking if he told Louis about his feelings. He coughed and saved it quickly though. "No I uhh, I was wondering if you wanted to come to the opening." Zayn said, staring intently at Louis.

Louis, being the oblivious little boy he is, didn't acknowledge the way Zayn was looking at him. He clapped his hands together, smiling brightly at his friends. "Yes absolutely, how about we celebrate when I get back from work? I have to take the 4 to 7 shift tonight, which reminds me, I should be there soon." Louis said suddenly.

Zayn nodded and Niall pushed him into his car. The two watched as he drove away. Niall started laughing, doubling over his knees when Zayn looked at him incredulously. "What?" The raven haired man asked his blonde friend.

"Yer hopelessly in love with Lou and he is oblivious as fuck. Yer like a lost puppy when he's not around." Niall said, wiping a fake tear from his eye, laughing harder when Zayn scowled and pushed him, storming off.


Cute lil filler for what's about to come. ;)

All the love.


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