-chapter 9-

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Song; Water Under The Bridge by Adele

(repeat if necessary.)


'He doesn't want me.' Louis thought sadly as he walked home by himself. He was embarrassed and ashamed. He felt like he had been played by Harry, just because he wanted to get to know him better and maybe have him as a potential boyfriend.

But no, Harry had to be defensive for some reason and shut him down. 'Let's just focus on exams for now.' Louis thought to himself as he made his way up the stairs of his apartment complex.

He willed himself not to cry as he opened the door and walked past Niall, who was sprawled out on the couch watching footie on the telly.

"Hey Lou, how was your date?" He asked, turning around and watching Louis as he stripped himself of his shoes and coat.

Louis turned around with tears in his eyes and slouched shoulders. Niall frowned sadly for his best friend and opened his arms. "C'mere, honey." He said, waving him over.

Louis just choked on a sob and pathetically walked over, slumping himself down into Niall's arms. He started to openly sob in the arms of his best friend, his tiny body shaking from how hard he was crying.

"H-He doesn't w-want me. A-And now I-I just feel s-so em-embarrassed because he j-just shut me down a-and left." Louis stuttered out, letting out a small hiccup and another sob.

"He doesn't deserve you, Lou babe. You're too great for such a cruel man, no matter how physically attractive he is." Niall said, smiling when Louis let out a small, wet laugh.

"What w-would I do without y-you?" Louis said, hugging his best friend. Niall shrugged and grabbed his bag of chips off the table.

"You'd probably be crying with a tub of ice cream on the floor of your shitty one-bedroom apartment." Niall said, chewing on some chips with his mouth open.

Louis just laughed and nodded."Yeah that's pretty accurate."


Final exams were today and Louis was more than ready to ace them. He knew that he was going to, he was a pretty smart guy, and he was always one of the top students in the class.

So it was okay for him to feel a little confident about today, though most students are usually anxious.

Louis did his best to ignore the incident of yesterday as he conversed with Niall before the exams started. He and Niall were in most of them same classes, so they were obviously placed in the same exam room.

"Alright students, face forward, your booklets are being given out. Good day, and good luck."


Louis scanned the last page of his booklet before he flipped it to the front, lightly placing his hand on it and sighing in relief. He finished with two minutes to spare.

He turned around and looked at Niall, who finished ten minutes before him, and gave him a smile and a thumbs up. Niall returned the favor and made Louis bite back a giggle with the way he crossed his eyes jokingly.

The next two minutes passed quickly and Louis smiled widely when they were finally told to finish the question they were on, for he already finished two minutes ago.

He and Niall walked out together, arms looped together like two dorky middle school girls. "We should go out and celebrate." Niall mused, practically skipping towards his car.

Louis followed and laughed. "Yeah, but where would we go?" He said, unlinking his arm so he could hop in the passenger seat.

"Where ever our feet take us, babe."


It's been like twenty years since I've updated, lol sorry. I'm going into high school next year so I have quite a lot to do at the moment, that and I'm awfully good at procrastinating. Enjoy, next chapter is being written as soon as this is published.

All the love.

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