-chapter 1-

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Song; Only Angel by Harry Styles

(repeat if necessary)


" Hey, Niall?" Louis shouted from his room. "What the fuck am i supposed to wear to something like this?" he continued to shout as he flailed his around blindly, attempting to remove a shirt from his body that was extremely too small. He shrieked as he tripped over the wooden chest at the foot of his bed, landing on his panty-clad ass with the shirt still blinding him and restricting his arms above his head.

Louis sighed in relief when he heard his friend's footsteps approaching from behind the door. Niall swung the door open and burst into a fit of laughter when he saw the state Louis was in. Louis pouted and let out an annoyed groan. "Stop laughing at me, you bloody wanker! Help, me damn arms hurt." he said, waving his suspended upper body and letting out a whine, starting to feel the burn in his arms. 

Niall wiped the tears from his eyes and quickly snapped a picture to use against the boy later. "Alright calm your tits, princess. How the fuck do you get stuck in a shirt anyways?" Niall thought out loud. Louis rolled his eyes playfully and laughed. "You never fail to amaze me, Lou." Niall said, walking over to his friend who sat on the floor.

"Shut up, Ni." Louis said, screeching when his body was lifted off the floor and dropped again, only this time he could see and his arms were back at his sides. "Oi! Fuck you, mate that hurt!" Louis shouted at Niall's laughing figure walking out of the door. 

Louis rolled his eyes and stood up, rubbing his ass and mumbling curses under his breath as he walked towards his closet. "Just letting you know, if it weren't for me, your arms would be cut off by now so." Niall said, peeking his head in the door and turning to leave again with a smirk. 

Louis mocked his friend with snarky faces as he flipped through the clothes in his closet, choosing a good, impressive outfit to wear for the place he was going today. He finally selected skin tight light-wash jeans, a loose white v-neck long-sleeve, tattered white slip-on vans, and a tan trench coat. (yeah i did that, you're welcome.)

He slipped the clothes on, brushed on some clear lip-gloss, a coat of brown mascara, and fixed his hair into a cute, disheveled fringe.

(Fem!Lou is my will to live.) 

(He is the prettiest, fucking fight me

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(He is the prettiest, fucking fight me.)

He sprayed some of his favorite perfume and did a once-over in his full length mirror. 'Perfect' he thought, smiling at his reflection. He grabbed his cream-colored Micheal Kors tote bag and put his wallet, phone and Niall's questions in it. He closed his bedroom door behind him after shutting off the light and made his way to the lounge where Niall was nesting.

50 Shades Of Styles// Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now